News / Current Issues Archive
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20 October 2015 - Help provide samples of Hydrilla vegetation from Corps reservoirs this fall and winter
Dr. Susan Wilde, UGA is requesting assistance from Corps for this fall and winter. The purpose of the sampling is to detect additional occurrences of a new cyanobacteria that is a causal factor in AVM. She has confirmed the bacteria on Hydrilla at multiple reservoirs and it appears to be moving north.
- Current known locations of the cyanobacteria on Hydrilla
- Plant collection protocol
If you are willing to provide her with samples should contact her first to let her know samples are coming and to obtain a copy of the APHIS permit required to ship this invasive species.
4 June 2014 - Voluntary Guidelines To Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species; Recreational Activities and Water Gardening
The USFWS has placed final voluntary guidelines to address the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species with recreation and water gardening activities in the Federal Register. Copies of the guidelines are provided, along with the register link - https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/06/04/2014-12977/voluntary-guidelines-to-prevent-the-introduction-and-spread-of-aquatic-invasive-species-recreational
Web Meetings (Webinars)
- Aug 26:
Capability Report & Backlog Overview (Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Program)
- Sep 25:
Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974, 7 U.S.C. §2814, Management of Undesirable Plants on Federal Lands
- May 11:
Getting in the Game: The Story of USACE’s non-federal reimbursement program for AIS prevention and response Jonas Grundma
- Apr 27:
Proactive Plant Management: Does it make a difference? Dr. Jason Ferrell
- Apr 20:
ERDC’s Aquatic Plant Management Team - Research Overview Bradley Sartain, Ph.D. Research Biologist ERDC
- Apr 6:
Understanding the Pesticide Registration Process Dr. Jason Ferrell, Professor and Director, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, Pesticide Information Office, University of Florida - IFAS
- Mar 30:
Invasive Aquatic Control Methods Benjamin Sperry, PhD, Research Biologist, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center
- Mar 23:
Understanding USACE – ERDCs Aquatic Invasive Research Program Opportunities Christine VanZomeren, Ph.D. Associate Technical Director for Civil Works Environmental Engineering and Sciences (ERDC)
- Feb 10:
Harmful Algal Bloom indicator estimation in small inland waterbodies: The ArcGIS Pro water quality toolbox and HAB Explorer online web application Moly Reif
- Jan 26:
HAB Explorer Web Application Molly Rief, ERDC
- Dec 15:
Progress Towards Eradication of Salt Cedar in Florida Jessica Spencer, Invasive Species Management Branch, Jacksonville District
- Jul 21:
From Intake to Tap
- Jul 14:
Harmful Algae Management
- Jul 7:
Comprehensive Strategies to Protect Drinking Water from Harmful Algal Blooms
- Jun 30:
Comprehensive Strategies to Protect Drinking Water from Harmful Algal Blooms
- Jun 23:
HAB Impacts to Drinking Water and Current Management Outlook
- Mar 25:
Remote Sensing Training
- Mar 10:
CD3 Terrestrial Invasive Check-In, Check-Out Web Hub Mark Apfelbacher, CD3 Systems
- Dec 8:
Phenology, preliminary starch allocation, and management of Cuban bulrush Dr. Ryan Wersal and Ms. Madeline Kjellesvig, Minnesota State University, Mankato and Dr. Grey Turnage, Mississippi State University Geosystems Research Institute.
- Nov 12:
Invasive Watermilfoil Management Dr. Ryan Thum, Montana State University and Dr. Ryan Wersal, Minnesota State University Mankato
- Nov 4:
Flowering Rush: Phenology, Genetic Variability, and Management Dr. John Madsen, USDA-ARS; Dr. Bradley T. Sartain, ERDC-EL; Dr. Nate Harms, ERDC-EL
- Oct 28:
Concepts And Strategies For Emergent Plant Management Dr. Stephen Enloe, University of Florida Center For Aquatic and Invasive Plants
- Oct 21:
Giant Salvinia and Other Floating Weeds Dr. Christopher Mudge, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; Julie Nachtrieb, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; and Dr. Rodrigo Diaz, Department of Entomology, LSU
- Oct 14:
Management of Harmful Algal Blooms Dr. Ken Wagner, WRS Inc., and Dr. John H. Rodgers, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Clemson University
- Oct 7:
Monoecious hydrilla biology, management, and stakeholder engagement Dr. Rob Richardson, North Carolina State University and Dr. Brett Hartis, Duke Energy
- Jul 15:
UF's New Weed Science Certificate Dr. Candice Prince, UF/IFAS
- Jul 15:
Identification and Management of Invasive Grasses Dr. Candice Prince, UF/IFAS
- Jul 8:
Herbicide Residues in Lake Sediments: Understanding Herbicide Fate Dr. Jason Ferrell, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, IFAS
- Jul 1:
Triclopyr Shift to Trycera Dr. Stephen Enloe, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, IFAS
- Jun 24:
Wild Pigs on USACE Projects: Management Challenges, Research Opportunities and Lessons Learned Dr. Nathan Beane, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; Eric Lemons, MVS; Stacy Dunkin, SWT; and Brandon Randig, SWF
- Jun 17:
Mechanical Harvesting: Large-Scale Field Trials Dr. James Leary, UF/IFAS
- Jun 17:
Aquatic Weed Control: Myths and Misconceptions Dr. Benjamin Sperry, UF/IFAS
- Jun 10:
Aquatic Plant Management: The Florida Perspective Dr. Benjamin Sperry, UF/IFAS
- Jun 10:
New Aquatic Herbicide Treatment for Hydrilla: Efficacy of an Operational Treatment in Florida Dr. James Leary, UF/IFAS
- Apr 7:
Emerald Ash Borer Impacts to USACE Dr. Nathan Beane, Ms. Tara Whitsel, and Ms. Courtney Chambers, ERDC Environmental Laboratory
- Sep 11:
CD3 Waterless Cleaning Systems: Invasive Species Public Prevention Infrastructure Mark Apfelbacher, CD3 Systems
- Sep 4:
Incorporating Human Behavior into Ecological Models of Invasive Species Cara Carrillo, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory
- Aug 28:
A New Invasive Algae in Hawaii: Avrainvillea erecta Kevin Foster, USACE New England District
- Aug 7:
Glyphosate - A Research Round Up Dr. Joe W. Willis, ANR Horticulture Agent, LSU AgCenter
- Jul 10:
Hurricane and Storm Flooding: a vector for moving invasive and introduced aquatic species Dr. Wesley Daniel, USGS
- Jun 12:
Arc Collector: A Revolutionary Tool for Field Data Collection Jessica Spencer, Invasive Species Biologist, SAJ
- Sep 12:
Glyphosate: The World's Most Controversial Herbicide Dr. Jason Ferrell from the University of Florida
- Aug 8:
Environmental DNA and Invasive Aquatic Species: 9 Years In Richard Lance
- Apr 25:
ProcellaCOR: Game-changing technology for aquatic plant management Dr. Mark Heilman, SePRO and Dr. Kurt Getsinger, ERDC Environmental Laboratory
- Mar 14:
Understanding the Recent Phragmites Die-Offs in Louisiana Dr. Ian Knight and Dr. Rodrigo Diaz from LSU
- Dec 6:
Whooping Cranes in the Central Flyway - Relevance for Military and Civil Works Projects During Migratory Stopover Aaron Pearse (USGS) and Wade Harrell (USFWS)
- Sep 20:
Growing Season Prescribed Burning: A practitioners perspective on invasive species control with summer prescribed fire Ryan Williams, Park Manager, Kanopolis Lake, NWK
- Jul 18:
Invasive Species Webinar on Using Border Collie Dogs for Nuisance Bird Control Dena Dickerson, ERDC
- Jun 21:
UAS Application and Policy Victor Wilhelm, Jacksonville District
- Apr 11:
An Update of Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts to USACE Operations and Operation Control Measures to Address HAB Impacts Tony Clyde
- Mar 1:
Invasive Species Traveling Trunk John Pribilla, Park Ranger, New England District, Cape Cod Canal
- Oct 19:
A comparison of historic water quality data and Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) events at Barren River and Dale Hollow Lakes Jeb Eberly, ERDC
- Aug 24:
Tracking Invasive Species Distributions using EDDMapS Chuck Bargeron, UGA
- Jul 26:
Utilization of Unmmaned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Vegetation Mapping and Restoration Jon Morton, USACE
- Jun 8:
Modeling the Dispersal of Invasive Zebra Mussels in the St. Croix River Watershed (MN & WI) Dr. Todd Swannack, ERDC-EL
- Apr 13:
Operation of Electric Dispersal Barriers Under Various Environmental Condition Dr. Jack Killgore, ERDC
- Apr 6:
Impacts and Hydraulic Containment of Asian Carp Dr. Jan Hoover, ERDC
- Jan 20:
The Corps' Role in the National Pollinator Strategy Jeff Krause, IWR
- Nov 18:
Preliminary Results of Field Sampling and Monitoring of Herbicide Managed Giant Salvinia Christopher R. Mudge, ERDC
- Oct 14:
Stalking an Expanding Disease - New Locations and Species At Risk from Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) Dr. Susan Wilde, UGA
- Sep 16:
Using Phenological Events of Flowering Rush to Improve Chemical Control Strategies Dr. Kurt Getsinger, ERDC
- Jul 22:
USACE Aquatic Invasive Species R&D Programs Dr. Linda Nelson, ERDC
- May 6:
Invasive Species - Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) plus Zebra and Quagga Mussels Tim Toplisek, HQUSACE
- Apr 22:
Asian Longhorned Beetle Dr. Phillip Baldauf, USDA APHIS
- Apr 21:
Duskytail Darter Endangered Species Act Consultation Chip Hall, LRN
- Jan 21:
Invasive Species and Natural Disasters Jon Lane, USACE
- Oct 8:
Invasive Species Management Community of Practice Program Management Plan (PgMP) Tim Toplisek, HQUSACE
- Aug 20:
White-Nose Syndrome in Bats Dr. Eric Britzke, ERDC
- Jun 18:
Biological Control - Alligatorweed & Flea Beetle Annual Collection Angie Huebner, USACE
- May 29:
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: External Communication and Media Nate Herring, USACE
- May 29:
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: Evolution and Development of the LRD Response Strategy Erich Emery and Jade Young, USACE
- May 28:
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: National Perspectives on the HAB Issue Jennifer Graham, USGS
- May 28:
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: Golden Algae, an emerging threat Reynaldo Patino, USGS
- Mar 19:
Selecting the Right Aquatic Herbicide Dr. Mike Netherland, ERDC
- Dec 11:
Biocontrol for Invasive Species Dr. Al Cofrancesco, ERDC
- Sep 4:
Invasive Species and Foot Traffic - Distribution and Prevention in Recreation and Military Installation Settings Justin Stegall, USACE
- Sep 25:
Grass Carp Research Update for Invasive Aquatic Plant Management Dr. Phil Kirk, ERDC
- Jun 5:
Low Cost Mapping of Submerged Vegetation Bruce Sabol, ERDC
Memos & Suspenses
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Good Enough to Share
Harmful Algal Blooms
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Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Program
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USACE Invasive Plant Best Management Practices