August 17, 2023
Noxious Weed Agreement Delegation and Guidance Memos
On behalf of Mr. Tom Smith, Chief, Operations and Regulatory, attached are the delegation of
authority and the implementation guidance, both signed by the Assistant Secretary of the Army
(Civil Works), Mr. Michael Connor, for USACE to establish Cooperative Agreements with State
Agencies to manage undesirable plant species on lands under USACE jurisdiction. Please
share with your leadership, Commanders and others who work on noxious weed management.
The delegation
memo gives the authority to implement the program to the Program Manager for Land
Use and Natural Resources, Mr. Michael Richards, who may further delegate signing authority
for Cooperative Agreements to District Commanders. The implementation guidance establishes the
Program Manager for Land Use and Natural resources as the approver for requests for
Cooperative Agreements under this program. District Commanders will have responsibility for
ensuring Cooperative Agreements are administered in accordance with grant and cooperative
agreement regulations and guidance.
In support of this, webinars detailing the Noxious
Weed cooperative agreement program will be forthcoming.
My point of contact for
this initiative is Mike Richards, Program Manager for Land Use and Natural Resources,
(202)913- 4070,
Jeffrey F. Krause
Chief, Natural Resources Management
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