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Archive of Web Meetings


  • Jul 12: Rugged Edge Computing Node - Immersive Communication Instructions for Technology Transfer
  • Jul 1: Kids in Parks
  • Jun 27: CWBI-OPS Interpretive Contacts Update
  • May 16: Handshake Partnership Program
  • Apr 5: Backcountry Hunters and Anglers partnership opportunities Meeting
  • Feb 12: Volunteer Evaluations, Recognition and Awards/Reporting data in CWBI-OPS
  • Feb 8: Volunteer Program - Supervision, Orientation, and Training
  • Feb 6: Volunteer Program In Processing and Paperwork
  • Feb 2: Volunteer Program Job Design, Recruitment and Selection
  • Jan 30: Volunteer Program Intro
  • Jan 9: Workamper News, January 2024


  • Dec 12: Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey – Survey 1-2-3 Data Collection App Training
  • Oct 10: walkthrough and training for volunteer coordinators
  • Oct 4: Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
  • Sep 29: CWBI-OPS 2023 Partnerships and Volunteers Module
  • Sep 28: Qlik app: Partnerships and Volunteers Data Visualization Tool
  • Sep 26: Corps Foundation MOU
  • Sep 25: Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974, 7 U.S.C. §2814, Management of Undesirable Plants on Federal Lands
  • Sep 20: Excellence in Partnerships and Volunteer Award
  • Sep 6: ERFO Getting Started - High Level Overview of Program, Process, and Your Role Federal Highways Staff
  • Aug 24: WRDA Section 8124 Reserve Component Training
  • Aug 20: Handshake Partnership Program
  • Jun 22: Workamper News
  • May 25: HQ NRM Field Update HQ Staff
  • Apr 19: Workamper News
  • Apr 5: PLA USACE/Corps Foundation Forum
  • Feb 16: Trout Unlimited
  • Feb 16: An Hour to Innovate! USACE National NRM Innovations Team
  • Feb 15: Volunteer Evaluations, Recognition, Awards, CWBI-OPS
  • Feb 12: Volunteer Supervision, Orientation, Training, Incidental Expenses and Reimbursements
  • Feb 10: Volunteer In-Processing and Paperwork
  • Feb 8: Volunteer Job Design, Recruitment, and Selection
  • Feb 6: Volunteer Program Introduction Heather Burke
  • Jan 18: Volunteer App, SWD Pilot Test Launch


  • Dec 13: National NRM Call - Rec Update
  • Nov 17: An Hour to Innovate! USACE National NRM Innovations Team
  • Nov 3: Student Conservation Association (SCA) National Cooperative Agreement
  • Oct 28: Innovations Team Update to RLAT
  • Oct 13: Partnerships Module in NRM-Assessment
  • Sep 15: Excellence in Partnerships and Volunteer Award
  • Jun 15: Handshake Partnership Program Phil Manhart
  • May 19: An Hour to Innovate! USACE National NRM Innovations Team
  • May 11: Getting in the Game: The Story of USACE’s non-federal reimbursement program for AIS prevention and response Jonas Grundma
  • Apr 27: Proactive Plant Management: Does it make a difference? Dr. Jason Ferrell, Benjamin Sperry
  • Apr 20: ERDC’s Aquatic Plant Management Team - Research Overview Bradley Sartain, Ph.D. Research Biologist ERDC
  • Apr 6: Understanding the Pesticide Registration Process Dr. Jason Ferrell, Professor and Director, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, Pesticide Information Office, University of Florida - IFAS
  • Mar 30: Invasive Aquatic Control Methods Benjamin Sperry, PhD, Research Biologist, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center
  • Mar 23: Tread Lightly!
  • Mar 23: Understanding USACE – ERDCs Aquatic Invasive Research Program Opportunities Christine VanZomeren, Ph.D. Associate Technical Director for Civil Works Environmental Engineering and Sciences (ERDC), Jennifer Seiter-Moser, Ph.D. Technical Director for Civil Works Environmental Engineering and Sciences (ERDC); and Jeremy Crossland, Acting Program Manager for Aquatic Plant Control and Aquatic Nuisance Species Research Programs (ERDC)
  • Mar 10: NRM: Understand FTA Programs
  • Mar 4: Volunteer Program: Evaluations, Recognition, Awards, NRM Assessment
  • Feb 24: Volunteer Program: Supervision, Orientation, Training, Incidental Expenses and Reimbursements
  • Feb 24: NRM Spatial Data Collection and Management Ben Silvernail
  • Feb 17: Interpretive Program Basics Roseana Burick
  • Feb 16: Volunteer Program: In-Processing and Paperwork Heather Burke
  • Feb 14: USACE Volunteer COVID-19 Vaccination/Attestation Guidance for Civil Works Activities
  • Feb 10: Harmful Algal Bloom indicator estimation in small inland waterbodies: The ArcGIS Pro water quality toolbox and HAB Explorer online web application Moly Reif, Christina Saltus, Richard Johansen, Erich emery
  • Feb 8: Volunteer Program: Job Design, Recruitment, and Selection Heather Burke
  • Jan 31: Volunteer Program Introduction Heather Burke
  • Jan 26: HAB Explorer Web Application Molly Rief, ERDC


  • Dec 15: Progress Towards Eradication of Salt Cedar in Florida Jessica Spencer, Invasive Species Management Branch, Jacksonville District
  • Oct 22: Partnerships Module in NRM-Assessment
  • Sep 29: Invasice Species Leadership Team (ISLT)
  • Sep 8: Excellence in Partnerships and Volunteer Award Webinar
  • Aug 31: The Use of USACE Reservoirs as Stop-over Sites for the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population of Whooping Crane Jacob Jung, Richard Fischer
  • Aug 18: Handshake Program Funding Heath Kruger, Phil Manhart
  • Jul 28: FY22 Handshake application webinar
  • Jul 21: From Intake to Tap
  • Jul 14: Harmful Algae Management
  • Jul 9: FLTP Road Surface Condition Rating Training
  • Jul 8: FLTP Based Road Identification for OCA
  • Jul 7: Comprehensive Strategies to Protect Drinking Water from Harmful Algal Blooms
  • Jun 30: NRM Chief’s Update to the Field
  • Jun 30: Comprehensive Strategies to Protect Drinking Water from Harmful Algal Blooms
  • Jun 28: Refresher Training
  • Jun 23: HAB Impacts to Drinking Water and Current Management Outlook
  • Jun 8: Policy Guidance for Civil Works Housing REMIS Coding
  • Apr 30: Volunteer Program
  • Apr 22: Implementing SF 299 Jeremy Crossland
  • Apr 8: Water Safety Update
  • Mar 25: Remote Sensing Training
  • Mar 10: CD3 Terrestrial Invasive Check-In, Check-Out Web Hub Mark Apfelbacher, CD3 Systems
  • Feb 25: COVID-19 Implementing EO 13991 Training
  • Feb 23: Innovations Team Products and Prototypes Webinar Series: USACE Jr. Ranger App
  • Feb 18: Innovations Team Products and Prototypes Webinar Series: USACE Hunting Maps App
  • Feb 17: SCA National Cooperative Agreement webinar – February 2021
  • Feb 4: Civilian Inmate Labor Program webinar
  • Jan 26: Corps Foundation
  • Jan 21: Union Sportsmens Alliance
  • Jan 12: Workamper webinar


  • Dec 8: Phenology, preliminary starch allocation, and management of Cuban bulrush Dr. Ryan Wersal and Ms. Madeline Kjellesvig, Minnesota State University, Mankato and Dr. Grey Turnage, Mississippi State University Geosystems Research Institute.
  • Nov 12: Invasive Watermilfoil Management Dr. Ryan Thum, Montana State University and Dr. Ryan Wersal, Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Nov 4: Flowering Rush: Phenology, Genetic Variability, and Management Dr. John Madsen, USDA-ARS; Dr. Bradley T. Sartain, ERDC-EL; Dr. Nate Harms, ERDC-EL
  • Oct 28: Concepts And Strategies For Emergent Plant Management Dr. Stephen Enloe, University of Florida Center For Aquatic and Invasive Plants
  • Oct 21: Giant Salvinia and Other Floating Weeds Dr. Christopher Mudge, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; Julie Nachtrieb, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; and Dr. Rodrigo Diaz, Department of Entomology, LSU
  • Oct 14: Management of Harmful Algal Blooms Dr. Ken Wagner, WRS Inc., and Dr. John H. Rodgers, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Clemson University
  • Oct 7: Monoecious hydrilla biology, management, and stakeholder engagement Dr. Rob Richardson, North Carolina State University and Dr. Brett Hartis, Duke Energy
  • Sep 9: Excellence in Partnerships and Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Aug 25: Presenting Virtually
  • Aug 19: FY21 Handshake Funding Program Heath Kruger
  • Aug 18: ENS National Initiatives Ben Silvernail, IWR
  • Aug 11: How to Build an Effective Virtual Interpretive Program
  • Jul 15: Ranger Safety Survey 2019 Results
  • Jul 15: UF's New Weed Science Certificate Dr. Candice Prince, UF/IFAS
  • Jul 15: Identification and Management of Invasive Grasses Dr. Candice Prince, UF/IFAS
  • Jul 8: Herbicide Residues in Lake Sediments: Understanding Herbicide Fate Dr. Jason Ferrell, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, IFAS
  • Jul 1: Triclopyr Shift to Trycera Dr. Stephen Enloe, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, IFAS
  • Jun 24: Wild Pigs on USACE Projects: Management Challenges, Research Opportunities and Lessons Learned Dr. Nathan Beane, ERDC Environmental Laboratory; Eric Lemons, MVS; Stacy Dunkin, SWT; and Brandon Randig, SWF
  • Jun 24: Park Ranger Safety During the Current Operational Environment
  • Jun 17: Mechanical Harvesting: Large-Scale Field Trials Dr. James Leary, UF/IFAS
  • Jun 17: Aquatic Weed Control: Myths and Misconceptions Dr. Benjamin Sperry, UF/IFAS
  • Jun 10: Aquatic Plant Management: The Florida Perspective Dr. Benjamin Sperry, UF/IFAS
  • Jun 10: New Aquatic Herbicide Treatment for Hydrilla: Efficacy of an Operational Treatment in Florida Dr. James Leary, UF/IFAS
  • Jun 4: REC Operational Condition Assessment
  • Apr 28: Back Country Horsemen of America
  • Apr 7: Emerald Ash Borer Impacts to USACE Dr. Nathan Beane, Ms. Tara Whitsel, and Ms. Courtney Chambers, ERDC Environmental Laboratory
  • Feb 20: SCA National Cooperative Agreement Work Order Procedures
  • Jan 9: Union Sportsmen's Alliance
  • Jan 9: Union Sportsmen's Alliance


  • Sep 11: CD3 Waterless Cleaning Systems: Invasive Species Public Prevention Infrastructure Mark Apfelbacher, CD3 Systems
  • Sep 10: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application Heath Kruger
  • Sep 4: Incorporating Human Behavior into Ecological Models of Invasive Species Cara Carrillo, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory
  • Aug 28: A New Invasive Algae in Hawaii: Avrainvillea erecta Kevin Foster, USACE New England District
  • Aug 28: Facilities and Capabilities of the ERDC's LAERF (Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility), Lewisville, TX Lynde Dodd, CERP, Research Biologist
  • Aug 7: Glyphosate - A Research Round Up Dr. Joe W. Willis, ANR Horticulture Agent, LSU AgCenter
  • Jul 10: Hurricane and Storm Flooding: a vector for moving invasive and introduced aquatic species Dr. Wesley Daniel, USGS
  • Jun 12: Arc Collector: A Revolutionary Tool for Field Data Collection Jessica Spencer, Invasive Species Biologist, SAJ, Doug Swanson, GIS Professional, NWP
  • Jun 4: How to Naturally Manage our Resources through Collaboration and Public Participation
  • Apr 4: Volunteer Program Tennille Hammonds, SWD PAC team representative
  • Apr 2: Friends of Reservoirs Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership Jeff Boxrucker
  • Mar 25: FY20 Handshake Program Heath Kruger
  • Jan 22: How Districts can access Third-Party Neutral Facilitation Services: USACE's new MOA with U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Brian Manwaring and Stephanie Kavanaugh of the Udall Foundation


  • Oct 12: 2018 Excellence in Partnerships and Volunteer of the Year Award webinar, Oct 2018
  • Sep 12: Glyphosate: The World's Most Controversial Herbicide Dr. Jason Ferrell from the University of Florida
  • Aug 10: FY19 Handshake Partnership Program Heath Kruger
  • Aug 8: Environmental DNA and Invasive Aquatic Species: 9 Years In Richard Lance
  • Aug 7: Crowdsourcing with Web Maps to support Collaboration & Public Engagement Anne Baker, CPCX; Alex Hoxie, LRC; and Andrea Carson, LRP
  • Jul 17: USACE Park Ranger Community of Practice Advisory Board Update
  • Jun 26: USACE's Most Innovative Cases of Environmental Collaboration & Conflict Resolution in 2017 Anne Baker, CPCX; Kristina May, NAB; Kaitlyn Carriere, MVN; Kimberly Townsend, HQUSACE; Allison Monroe, SAM
  • Jun 7: Regionalization Effort Update Jeff Krause, Michael Trimble, Andrea Farmer
  • May 15: Shoreline Management Software Demo and Discussion Jeremy Crossland
  • May 15: WRDA 2016- Challenge Cost Sharing Cooperative Management Agreements
  • Apr 25: ProcellaCOR: Game-changing technology for aquatic plant management Dr. Mark Heilman, SePRO and Dr. Kurt Getsinger, ERDC Environmental Laboratory
  • Mar 14: Understanding the Recent Phragmites Die-Offs in Louisiana Dr. Ian Knight and Dr. Rodrigo Diaz from LSU
  • Mar 8: Kids in Parks: Designing Self-guided Trails that Get Kids in Parks
  • Feb 22: Inventory, Monitoring, and Research Efforts for NRM on DoD Installations and USACE Project Lands Mike Guilfoyle, Kevin Philley
  • Feb 20: Big Scary Public Meetings Shannon Bauer, MVS; Kelly Janes, NWP; and Anastasiya Hernandez, NAB


  • Dec 12: Strategic Engagement: Tools & Technique Melanie Ellis, SWD, Brandon Brummett, LRL and Angela Freyermuth, MVR
  • Dec 6: Whooping Cranes in the Central Flyway - Relevance for Military and Civil Works Projects During Migratory Stopover Aaron Pearse (USGS) and Wade Harrell (USFWS)
  • Nov 7: Cross Cultural Communication Seth Cohen, IWR, Amanda Andraschko, POA
  • Nov 7: ENS Assistance Options Jeremy Crossland
  • Nov 7: Adventure Scientist, Nina Hadley Nina Hadley
  • Oct 11: Curation Regionalization Effort Andrea Farmer, Michael Trimble
  • Oct 4: Your Data - How It's Being Used and Why It's Important Ginny Dickerson
  • Sep 28: Overcoming Disciplinary Silos: Barriers and Strategies Rachel Grandpre
  • Sep 20: Growing Season Prescribed Burning: A practitioners perspective on invasive species control with summer prescribed fire Ryan Williams, Park Manager, Kanopolis Lake, NWK
  • Sep 7: EDDMapS Chuck Bargeron, Jon S. Lane
  • Aug 17: NRM Community Forum Bonnie Bryson, Lori Brewster and Kevin Ewbank
  • Aug 1: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application (FY18) Heath Kruger
  • Jul 18: 2016 Park Ranger Safety Survey Results Park Ranger CoP Advisory Board
  • Jul 18: Invasive Species Webinar on Using Border Collie Dogs for Nuisance Bird Control Dena Dickerson, ERDC
  • Jul 12: Hosting Effective Virtual and In-Person Meetings Erica Richardson, Ellen Lyons
  • Jun 21: UAS Application and Policy Victor Wilhelm, Jacksonville District
  • May 31: Park Ranger Community of Practice Advisory Board Scott Tichy, Morgan Barnes and Michelle Frobose
  • May 2: Best Practices & Lessons Learned: MSC Innovative Cases of Environmental Collaboration & Conflict Resolution Maria T. Lantz, Institute for Water Resources
  • Apr 11: An Update of Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts to USACE Operations and Operation Control Measures to Address HAB Impacts Tony Clyde, Brook Herman
  • Mar 7: Applying Social Science Findings and Visualization Tools to Communicate Risk Heidi Stiller
  • Mar 1: Invasive Species Traveling Trunk John Pribilla, Park Ranger, New England District, Cape Cod Canal
  • Feb 1: Helping Scared and Angry People Get Information They Needed During the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Ann Weaver


  • Dec 12: National Wildlife Federation Mayor's Monarch Pledge
  • Nov 16: Running a Charette is Like .. Lynn Greer, Hunter Merritt
  • Oct 25: National Cooperative Agreement with Student Conservation Association
  • Oct 19: A comparison of historic water quality data and Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) events at Barren River and Dale Hollow Lakes Jeb Eberly, ERDC
  • Oct 18: Mediation is a Process, Not an Event John Bickerman
  • Sep 21: 'The Rule of Holes' and Other Survival Tips for the Risk Communication Jungle Dwayne Ford
  • Aug 26: Introduction to the Corps NRM Partnership Program (Webinar for OPM CoP) - August 2016 Heather Burke
  • Aug 24: Tracking Invasive Species Distributions using EDDMapS Chuck Bargeron, UGA
  • Aug 23: Gnarliest Collaboration Challenge Launch and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Case Study Kevin Bluhm (USACE), Frank Sturges (BLM)
  • Aug 22: WRRDA 2014, Sec 1047 (d) Volunteer Program Update Heather Burke
  • Aug 22: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application (FY17) Heath Kruger
  • Aug 1: OMBIL FY 16 Partnerships Data Entry
  • Jul 26: Utilization of Unmmaned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Vegetation Mapping and Restoration Jon Morton, USACE
  • Jun 15: Difficult Conversations Andrea Carson and Cynthia Wood of the Institute for Water Resources
  • Jun 8: Modeling the Dispersal of Invasive Zebra Mussels in the St. Croix River Watershed (MN & WI) Dr. Todd Swannack, ERDC-EL
  • May 25: U.S Army Corps of Engineers Partnerships with the Military
  • May 18: Federal Highways Administration- Federal Lands Access Program Funding Lewis Grimm, Federal Highway Administration
  • May 13: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application Allen Gwinn
  • May 10: Recreation on the NRM Gateway Lori Brewster and Bonnie Bryson
  • Apr 13: Operation of Electric Dispersal Barriers Under Various Environmental Condition Dr. Jack Killgore, ERDC, Dr. Mike Holliman, Research Biologist, Fish Research & Development, and Dr. Mike Holliman, Fish Research & Development LLC
  • Apr 6: Impacts and Hydraulic Containment of Asian Carp Dr. Jan Hoover, ERDC
  • Mar 11: American Hiking Society - National Trails Day Wesley Trimble, American Hiking Society
  • Mar 9: Volunteer Program Titus Hardiman
  • Feb 29: Kids in Parks TRACK Trails
  • Feb 17: NRM Gateway 101 Bonnie Bryson, Lori Brewster, and Angie Huebner
  • Feb 8: National Park Trust
  • Jan 28: Conflict and Resolution Styles Assessment Julie Marcy, Andrea Carson, and Cynthia Wood
  • Jan 20: The Corps' Role in the National Pollinator Strategy Jeff Krause, IWR
  • Jan 13: NRM Gateway Content Subject Matter Experts Bonnie Bryson, Lori Brewster, and Angie Huebner


  • Nov 18: Preliminary Results of Field Sampling and Monitoring of Herbicide Managed Giant Salvinia Christopher R. Mudge, ERDC
  • Oct 21: Horicon Marsh Planning Assistance to States Conceptual Modeling Workshop Charles Theiling, Wendy Frohlich, and Megan McGuire
  • Oct 14: Stalking an Expanding Disease - New Locations and Species At Risk from Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) Dr. Susan Wilde, UGA
  • Oct 5: Yonder app
  • Sep 23: Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conservation Kirsten Leong, PhD, NPS, Human Dimensions Program Manger, Samantha Gibbs, DVM PhD, USFWS, Wildlife Veterinarian
  • Sep 22: The Corps Network
  • Sep 16: Using Phenological Events of Flowering Rush to Improve Chemical Control Strategies Dr. Kurt Getsinger, ERDC, Dr. John Madsen
  • Sep 2: IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) Part II
  • Aug 25: Vehicle Metering Best Practices Volpe
  • Aug 24: OMBIL Update - Guidance for Roads and Parking
  • Aug 19: Climate Change: an Opportunity for Civil-Military Collaboration Ms. Swathi Veeravalli, Ms. Angela Rhodes
  • Aug 12: The American Chestnut Foundation Tom Saielli
  • Aug 6: OMBIL Partnerships Training FY15
  • Jul 22: USACE Aquatic Invasive Species R&D Programs Dr. Linda Nelson, ERDC
  • Jul 16: International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Part I Aimee Ross
  • Jul 15: Student Conservation Association- Part II Laura Herrin
  • Jul 7: Student Conservation Association- Part I Laura Herrin
  • Jun 25: Natural Areas Association Lisa Smith
  • Jun 22: National Environmental Education Foundation/NPLD Anna Wadhams
  • Jun 19: Kids in Parks TRACK Trails Jason Urroz
  • Jun 10: Volunteer Management Modules 8-12 (Performance Reviews, Performance Problems, Recognition)
  • Jun 9: Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership Jeff Roxrucker
  • May 26: Environmental Stewards Joey Ruehrwein
  • May 22: Military Partnerships
  • May 18: Conservation Legacy
  • May 18: Adventurers & Scientists for Conservation Gregg Treinish
  • May 15: CAST Foundation
  • May 8: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application Allen Gwinn
  • May 6: Invasive Species - Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) plus Zebra and Quagga Mussels Tim Toplisek, HQUSACE, Brandon Mobley, USACE and Dr. John Madsen, UC Davis
  • Apr 22: Asian Longhorned Beetle Dr. Phillip Baldauf, USDA APHIS
  • Apr 21: Duskytail Darter Endangered Species Act Consultation Chip Hall, LRN
  • Apr 21: National Park Trust Heather Burke
  • Apr 8: Collaborative Decision Analysis for Stakeholder Agency Engagement in Resource Management Dr. Mandy Michalsen, Supervisory Civil Engineer ERDC Environmental Lab, Dr. Matt Wood, Research Psychologist, ERDC Environmental Lab
  • Apr 2: Volunteer Management Modules 4-7 (Motivation, Supervision, Training/Orientation, Delegating)
  • Feb 4: Oklahoma Instream Flows Advisory Group Bryan K. Taylor, Anna Childers, and John Rehring
  • Feb 2: Volunteer Management Modules 1-3 (Position Descriptions, Recruitment, Interviewing
  • Jan 28: Introduction to the NRM Partnership Program Titus Hardiman
  • Jan 21: Invasive Species and Natural Disasters Jon Lane, USACE


  • Oct 8: Invasive Species Management Community of Practice Program Management Plan (PgMP) Tim Toplisek, HQUSACE
  • Aug 20: White-Nose Syndrome in Bats Dr. Eric Britzke, ERDC
  • Jun 18: Biological Control - Alligatorweed & Flea Beetle Annual Collection Angie Huebner, USACE
  • Jun 12: Introduction to the Corps Partnership Program
  • Jun 11: Virtual Collaboration Action Plan (VCAP) Cynthia Fowler, Environmental Manager, San Francisco District, Jason Gibson, Nevada-Utah Regulatory Chief, Sacramento District
  • May 29: Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: External Communication and Media Nate Herring, USACE, Sponsored by the ERDC Water Operations Technical Support, Aquatic Plant Control Research, and Aquatic Nuisance Species Research programs
  • May 29: Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: Evolution and Development of the LRD Response Strategy Erich Emery and Jade Young, USACE, Sponsored by the ERDC Water Operations Technical Support, Aquatic Plant Control Research, and Aquatic Nuisance Species Research programs
  • May 28: Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: National Perspectives on the HAB Issue Jennifer Graham, USGS, Sponsored by the ERDC Water Operations Technical Support, Aquatic Plant Control Research, and Aquatic Nuisance Species Research programs
  • May 28: Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Series: Golden Algae, an emerging threat Reynaldo Patino, USGS, Sponsored by the ERDC Water Operations Technical Support, Aquatic Plant Control Research, and Aquatic Nuisance Species Research programs
  • May 7: Graphic Facilitation: Starter Kit for Better Meetings and Better Solutions Eileen Takata, Watershed Program Manager, Los Angeles District
  • Apr 29: Handshake Program
  • Apr 24: Military Partnerships
  • Mar 19: Selecting the Right Aquatic Herbicide Dr. Mike Netherland, ERDC
  • Mar 11: Volunteer Program
  • Feb 26: Facilitating Multi Agency Meetings or How to be the Secretary of State Therese O'Rourke Bradford
  • Feb 11: 2014 National Recreation Program Assessment Tool
  • Aug 21: Getting the Word Out: NPLD Communications Tools
  • Jul 24: Social Media and NPLD


  • Dec 12: NRM Gateway Partnership Pages
  • Dec 11: Biocontrol for Invasive Species Dr. Al Cofrancesco, ERDC
  • Dec 10: Introduction to the Corps NRM Partnerships Program
  • Oct 24: Large Group Virtual Meeting Facilitation  Lessons Learned from Flood Risk Management  Silver Jackets Webinar Week Hunter Merritt - Study Manager for Sacramento District Planning Division, Maria Placht, Collaboration Specialist with IWR
  • Sep 4: Invasive Species and Foot Traffic - Distribution and Prevention in Recreation and Military Installation Settings Justin Stegall, USACE, Hal Balbach, ERDC
  • Aug 29: How to Facilitate a Walkshop Maria Placht, Collaboration Specialist, IWR
  • May 15: An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Collaboration Doug Davis, Deputy for Small Business Programs, Rock Island District
  • May 8: Volunteer Program
  • Feb 1: Virtual Facilitation Maria Placht


  • Sep 27: ES OMBIL Webcast - Partnerships Wizard
  • Sep 26: ES OMBIL Webcast - Citations Wizard
  • Sep 26: ES OMBIL Webcast - Interpretive Contacts Wizard
  • Sep 26: ES OMBIL Webcast - Special Events Wizard
  • Sep 26: ES OMBIL Webcast - Environment Stewardship Annual Update Wizard
  • Sep 25: Grass Carp Research Update for Invasive Aquatic Plant Management Dr. Phil Kirk, ERDC, Dr. Jack Kilgore, ERDC
  • Aug 1: How To Prepare a Winning Handshake Application
  • Jun 5: Low Cost Mapping of Submerged Vegetation Bruce Sabol, ERDC
  • Feb 22: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Invasive Species Mike Watkins
  • Feb 17: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Methods to Decrease Costs/Increase Visitation Greg Webb, Chad Stuart
  • Feb 17: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Future Vision - Recreation Demographics and Trends Kevin Paff
  • Feb 16: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Park/District Efficiency Studies Patti Williams, Jim Jacobson, and Lonnie Mettler
  • Feb 15: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Partnerships/Grants Heather Burke
  • Feb 15: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Sustainability Jeanette Fiess
  • Feb 15: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Budget/Fees/Recreation Strategy Kevin Paff
  • Feb 14: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - NRM Staffing Study Bonnie Bryson, John Marnell, and Wen-Huei Chang
  • Feb 14: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Volunteers Carolyn Bauer, Robin Norris
  • Feb 14: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - Ranger Survey Findings & Recommendations/Uniform Freddie Bell
  • Feb 13: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - VERS Modernization Kathleen Perales
  • Feb 13: NWD Virtual NRM Workshop - HQ Program Update Mary Coulombe


  • Nov 3: Accessible Marinas and Boating Facilities AccessibilityOnline
  • Aug 3: Introduction to the Corps NRM Partnerships webinar Heather Burke
  • Jul 13: Social Media Marketing Public Lands Day


  • Sep 9: The Final Countdown
  • Jul 8: Fundraising and Friend-Raising
  • Apr 1: Providing Authentic Programs and Experiences through Partnerships National Public Lands Day
  • Feb 8: The Power of Friends Building and Maintaining Partnerships that Work National Public Lands Day


  • Oct 26: Recreation Area and Traffic Meter Evaluation Exercise Dick Kasul
  • Apr 13: Environment-Stewardship Budget Evaluation SysTem (E-S BEST) Dr. Wen Chang
  • Apr 11: Recreation Budget Evaluation SysTem (Rec-BEST) Dr. Wen Chang
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