Partnership and Volunteer Awards
Excellence in Partnerships Award
National Volunteer of the Year Awards
Volunteer Excellence Coins
Outdoor Recreation Roundtables Legends and Beacon Awards
Corps Foundation Enduring Service Volunteer Award
The Enduring Service Volunteer Award was established by Corps Foundation to honor long term service and outstanding accomplishments by individuals and families as volunteers at Corps of Engineers operated lakes and waterways. The award recognizes the extraordinary service provided by volunteers; it draws attention to their contributions and encourages an attitude of public responsibility in caring for Corps operated lakes and their resources. Each year the Corps Foundation presents the award to two individuals or families who display exceptional voluntary leadership, and have made or are making a positive difference in Corps lakes, waterways and the communities they serve.
- Request for nominations: September
- Nominations due: Mid-December
- Recipient announcement: January
- Recipient award: Fall (date determined by availability of volunteer)
- Click here to view a list of past recipients and application materials
Challenge Cost Sharing Cooperative Management Program
Challenge Partnerships Program
Contributions Program
Cooperative Agreements
Cooperating Associations Program
Economy Act Agreements
Handshake Partnerships Program
Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/MOA)
Volunteer Program
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Outdoor Recreation Economy Data
CWBI-OPS: Partnerships and Volunteers Module
Division & District POCs
Good Enough to Share
Grants/Alternative Funding Sources
News / Current Issues
NRM Partnership Agreement Signature/Approval Levels
Partnership Advisory Committee
Policy & Procedures
Power BI App - Partnerships/Volunteers Data Visualization Tool
USACE NRM Partnership Agreements - Flow of Money/Contributions
Value to the Nation Economic Data
Corps Lakes Gateway Partnerships Webpage
Corps Photo Album for Partnerships
FY 23 Partnerships and Volunteer Fact Sheet
Health/Medical Community Partnerships
Military Partnerships
Partnership Success Stories
National Partners
Tribal Partnerships
Partnership and Volunteer Awards
Partnership Outreach Sheet
Partnership/Volunteer Program Newsletter
School/University Partnerships
Special Events with Partners
Water Safety Partnerships