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Partnerships Policy & Procedures

Partnerships - Policy & Procedures

    Engineer Pamphlets

    • EP 1130-2-500, dated 27 December 1996 revised 1 June 2006
      Project Operations - Partners and Support (Work Management Guidance and Procedures)

    • EP 1130-2-550, dated 15 November 1996 revised 15 August 2002
      Projection Operations - Recreation Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures

    Engineer Regulations

    • ER 1130-2-500, dated 27 December 1996 revised 1 June 2006
      Project Operations - Partners and Support (Work Management Policies)
        This regulation establishes the policy for the management of operation and maintenance activities of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel performing civil works functions related to flood control, navigation, dredging, hydroelectric power generation, environmental stewardship, and recreation services at water resource, waterway, and other USACE projects.

    • ER 1130-2-550, dated 15 November 1996 revised 15 August 2002
      Project Operations - Recreation Operations and Maintenance Policies
        This regulation establishes the policy for the management of recreation programs and activities, and for the operation and maintenance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recreation facilities and related structures, at civil works water resource projects.

    • ER 1140-1-211, dated 10 Sep 2020
      Support for Others - Non-DoD Reimbursable Services
        This regulation provides guidance on USACE performing reimbursable work for non-DOD Federal agencies, States, Commonwealths, Territories, and local governments of the United States.

    • ER 37-1-30, dated 12/12/19
      Financial Administration - Accounting and Reporting
        This regulation establishes the framework for financial management within the Corps of Engineers. It supersedes ER 37-2-10 Chapter 4, Accounts Receivable and Collection Procedures, referenced in the Contributions, Fundraising, and Recognition Reference Guide of October 2008.

    • ER 405-1-12, dated 20 November 1985 revised 15 May 2000
      Real Estate Handbook
        "Real Estate Handbook," this regulation establishes policy for the management and operation of real estate responsibilities on Military and Civil Works Projects, to include encroachments; and issuing, managing, and administering outgrants authorizing the use of this real property.

    • ER 700-1-1, dated 04/30/15
      Logistics - USACE Supply Policies and Procedures
        Prior coordination with Logistics Management should occur before contributed personal property is accepted. Personal property is property of any kind except lands and improvements that are permanently attached and ordinarily regarded as real estate. Recording, accounting, and management of property items will be in accordance with ER 700-1-1.

    Policy Letter

    • Policy Letter, dated 3/30/18
      Implementation Guidance for Section 1155 of WRDA 2016
        This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 1155 of WRDA 2016. This section amended Section 225 of WRDA 225 (33 USC 2328) by authorizing the Secretary to enter into Challenge Cost Sharing Cooperative Management Agreements with non-Federal public entities to collect and retain user fees for the use of developed recreation sites and facilities, whether developed or constructed by that entity or the Department of the Army, and reinvest collected fees at the site at which the fees are collected. Section 1155 further authorized participating public entities to use any visitor reservation service that the Secretary of the Army has provided for by contract or interagency agreement.

    • 04-01, dated 27 October 2004
      Volunteer Value of Service Hourly Rate
        This memorandum initiated the Corps using the Independent Sector's hourly rate to determine the value of volunteer service. Since 2005, the value of volunteer service is calculated automatically in OMBIL by entering the number of volunteer hours.

        For reference, the volunteer value of service hourly rates

        • FY 2024 - $33.49
        • FY 2023 - $31.80
        • FY 2022 - $29.95
        • FY 2021 - $28.54
        • FY 2020 - $27.20
        • FY 2019 - $25.43
        • FY 2018 - $24.69
        • FY 2017 - $24.14
        • FY 2016 - $23.56
        • FY 2015 - $23.07
        • FY 2014 - $22.55
        • FY 2013 - $22.14
        • FY 2012 - $21.79
        • FY 2011 - $21.36
        • FY 2010 - $20.85
        • FY 2009 - $20.25
        • FY 2008 - $19.51
        • FY 2007 - $18.77
        • FY 2006 - $18.04
        • FY 2005 - $17.55
        • FY 2004 - $17.19

    • Implementation Guidance, dated 12 August 2016, dated 11/2/11
        This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 1047(d) of WRRDA 2014. Section 1047(d), "Services of Volunteers," amended Chapter IV of title I of Public Law 98-63 (33 U.S.C § 569c) to expand the definition of "incidental expenses" to include expenses relating to uniforms, transportation, lodging, and the subsistence of volunteers. In addition to the WRRDA amendments, other changes in policy were made to update the ER/EP. This memorandum supersedes and replaces the ER and EP 1130-2-500 Chapter 10. No other chapters of ER & EP 1130-2-500 are affected by this policy memorandum and all other chapters remain in effect. These policy changes to the Volunteer Program are effective immediately and will be incorporated in the referenced ER and EP when they are revised.

    • Volunteer Background Investigation Policy Update, dated March 2020
      • Webinar on Procedures Update - 19 March 2020 Guidance for Section 1047(d) Services of Volunteers, of the Water Resources and Development Act of 2013, Public Law 113-121" for volunteer background investigations. The guidance is provided to meet the most current security standards for processing background investigations and to provide consistency in procedures across all MSCs. These procedural updates are effective immediately and will be incorporated in the appropriate ER/EP when they are revised.

    • Volunteer Bonding Policy Letter, dated 07 September 2016

    Public Law Regulation

    • 33 USC 2339, WRDA 2000, Sec 213, Assistance Programs
      Authorizes the use of cooperative agreements to transfer funds to non-federal or nonprofit entities for services relating to natural resources conservation or recreation management both on and off Corps lands that involve programs fulfilling educational or training purposes.
    • Implementation Guidance Memo for WRRDA 2014 1047e, August 31, 2015
    • 33 USC 2328, WRDA 1992, Challenge Cost-Sharing Program for the Management of Recreational Facilities, Section 225, October 31, 1992

      Section 225 of this law authorized the Secretary of the Army to enter into cooperative agreements with non-Federal public and private entities to provide for operation and/or management and development of recreation facilities and natural resources at water resource development projects where such facilities are being maintained at full Federal expense.

      This also authorized the Secretary of the Army to accept contributions of funds, materials, and services from non-Federal public and private entities. If your cooperating association wants to contribute funds to the Corps, refer to the Contributions Program section of the Gateway.

    • WRRDA 2014, Sec 1031(b), Cooperative Agreements with Indian Tribes
      Authorizes the use of cooperative agreements to transfer funds to Indian Tribes or a designated representative of an Indian tribe to carry out authorized activities of the Corps of Engineers to protect fish, wildlife, water quality, and cultural resources.
    • Implementation Guidance Memo for WRRDA 2014 1031(b), August 3, 2016
    • 31 USC 1535, Economy Act

    • 41 USC 501, 95-224, Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977
      This act set forth requirements to use cooperative agreements and grants to transfer funds to non-Federal entities, but did not provide authority by itself to enter into an agreement.

    • 7 USC 2814, Federal Noxious Weed Act- Management of Undesirable Plants on Federal Lands
      Authorizes Federal agencies to complete and implement cooperative agreements with State agencies regarding the management of undesirable plant species on Federal lands under the agency's jurisdiction.

    • 16 USC 661, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
      Authorizes the Department of Interior to provide assistance to and cooperate with Federal, State, and public or private agencies and organizations in the development, protection, rearing, and stocking of all species of wildlife and their habitat, in controlling losses from disease or other causes, in minimizing damages from overabundant species, in providing public shooting and fishing areas, including easements across public lands for access, and in carrying out other measures necessary. Also authorizes Interior to make surveys and investigations of wildlife of the public domain, including lands and waters controlled by any agency of the United States.

    • WRDA 2016, Section 1155, Management of Recreation Facilities
      Authorizes the use of challenge cost-sharing cooperative management agreements with non- Federal public entities to collect and retain user fees for the use of developed recreation sites and facilities, whether developed or constructed by that entity or the Department of the Army, and reinvest collected fees at the site at which the fees are collected. Section 1155 further authorized participating public entities to use any visitor reservation service that the Secretary of the Army has provided for by contract or interagency agreement

    • 16 USC 594, Protection of Timber Owned by the US from Fire, Disease, or Insect Ravage
      Authorizes the Department of Interior to protect and preserve timber owned by the United States upon public lands, national parks, national monuments, Indian reservation, or other lands under the jurisdiction of the DOI from fire, disease, beetles, or other insects. This can be done directly or in cooperation with other Federal Government departments, States, or other owners of timber.

    • 10 USC 2358, Research and Development Projects
      Authorized the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department to engage in basic research, applied research, advanced research, and development projects.

    • WRDA 2022, Section 8124, Reserve Component Training at Water Resources Development Projects
      Authorizes USACE to accept services and supplies in support of a water resources development project or program, without reimbursement, from units or members of a reserve component of the Armed Forces carrying out military training activities or otherwise fulfilling military training requirements.

    • 33 USC 569c, Public Law 98-63, Chapter IV of Title, Services of Volunteers
      33 USC 569c, further amended by WRRDA 2014 authorized: The United States Army Chief of Engineers may accept the services of volunteers and provide for their incidental expenses, including expenses relating to uniforms, transportation, lodging, and the subsistence of those volunteers, to carry out any activity of the Army Corps of Engineers except policy-making or law or regulatory enforcement. Such volunteers shall not be employees of the United States Government except for the purposes of (1) chapter 171 of title 28, relating to tort claims, and (2) chapter 81 of title 5, relating to compensation for work injuries.

    • 31 USC 6301-08, Using Procurement Contracts and Grant and Cooperative Agreements
      Amended the FGCAA of 1977

    • 33 USC 2325, WRDA 1992, Sec 203, Voluntary Contributions for Environmental and Recreation Projects, October 31, 1992
      Voluntary Contributions for Environmental and Recreation Projects.
      (a) Acceptance.--In connection with carrying out a water resources project for environmental protection and restoration or a water resources project for recreation, the Secretary is authorized to accept contributions of cash, funds, materials, and services from persons, including governmental entities but excluding the project sponsor.

    Executive Orders

    • E.O. 13352, Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation

    Policy Memos


    • 09/09/24 2024 Excellence in Partnerships Award and Volunteer of the Year Nominations
      On behalf of Mr. Thomas P. Smith, Chief of Operations and Regulatory, I'm pleased to request your nominations for an outstanding partner within your area of responsibility for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Excellence in Partnerships Award and outstanding volunteer(s) for the National Volunteer of the Year Award. These awards will be presented in 2025 at the award recipients' locations in ceremonies that recognize their outstanding partnerships and service to USACE.

      The Excellence in Partnerships Award began in 2001 and is now in its twenty-third year recognizing exceptional contributions by a partner providing substantial support to the USACE Recreation and/or Environmental Stewardship programs. Each year, the award recipient is selected based on accomplishment of management objectives, creativity, improvements in public awareness and education, serving a diverse public, and involvement of other partners.

      The National Volunteer Award began in 2014 and was created to nationally recognize the extraordinary service provided by volunteers, draw attention to their vast skills and contributions, and encourage an attitude of stewardship and responsibility in caring for USACE lands, facilities, and resources. The intent of the award is to distinguish those individuals, couples/family units who give their skills, talents, and time beyond the normal call of duty and whose creditable service to USACE has resulted in the significant enhancement to one or more of the USACE NRM business lines.

      Nominations must be routed through each District to the MSC. Each MSC recreation/stewardship business line manager will electronically forward nomination packages assembled in accordance with the enclosed criteria and instructions to Francis Ferrell, CESAW- OP-LRJ, no later than 29 November 2024. A selection committee will review the nominations and provide Jeff Krause, HQUSACE Chief, Natural Resources Management with recommendations for final selection. Two informational webinars will be provided to explain the application process and answer any questions. Webinar invitations will be sent out one week in advance.

    • Oct 17 from 1:00 – 2:00 Eastern
    • Oct 30 from 1:00 – 2:00 Eastern
    • More information about these awards can be found on the NRM Gateway at rtners/awards.cfm

      Please encourage your staff to nominate worthy partners and volunteers. Their service is invaluable to our NRM mission!

      Thank you,
      Heather Burke

    • 09/05/24 FY24 Annual NRM Update including important dates
      I am asking for your full support in our annual NRM update that provides leadership and reviewing agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with data for performance and strategic metrics. Portions of this data are presented at annual budget time to the Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASACW) and to OMB. Other data is directly used to help rank budget work packages or provide input to the Civil Works Strategic Plan. I cannot understate the importance of having quality data and encourage extra focus on data quality for this entry period. The field POCs have been notified earlier of this entry period, but I wanted to bring the effort to your attention. I can assure you this data is used to direct funds, prioritize work, and most importantly tell the NRM program story to those outside the NRM and Operations community. Please review the following bullets which outline the highlights for this year.

      1. For FY24 NRM annual update, the NRM community (Recreation and Environmental Stewardship Business Lines) will utilize the CWBI-OPS Natural Resources Management Modules,

      2. CWBI-OPS is the primary database of record for all O&M business line data. CWBI-OPS data is used for many different purposes, including decisions concerning facility development, budget development and defense, tracking performance measures, preparation of briefings and fact sheets, asset management, etc. It is used to populate information on the Gateway and numerous other internal and external web sites. CWBI-OPS will continue to serve as source for many other systems including CWIFD and EDW. Inaccurate and/or incomplete data not only reflects poorly on the Corps and renders a disservice to the public but could also jeopardize the viability of our O&M missions and budget defense.

      3. Training through web meetings will be provided to the field on the system and data entry process as needed and will be announced through the CWBI-OPS District POCs. The schedule for entering data by modules is as follows.

      Recreation PSA Module

    • PSA Detail Information ONLY
    • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
    • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
    • Includes Corps Managed PSA fee information, collection method, and RUDA.
    • NRM Module

    • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
    • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
    • Includes Passes, Project Public & Service Roads, Project Trails, Title 18 Offences, Interpretive Contacts, Special Events, Law Enforcement Contracts, and Project Details
    • Environmental Stewardship Module

    • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
    • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
    • Includes Shoreline Management, Boundaries, Encroachments & Trespasses, Master Plans, Fire Management, Cultural Resources, Pollinators, Vegetation Classification, Land Classification, Invasive Species, and the Federal Special Status Species
    • Partnerships and Volunteers Module

    • Opens October 1 and Closes November 15 to field entry.
    • District Review is concurrent through December 13.
    • Includes Partnership and Volunteer information.
    • Contact the Partnership Advisory Committee for assistance.
    • 4. I'm requesting your continued leadership support to reinforce the importance of data and to provide "quality assurance" on accurateness and completeness of the data.

      Thank you for all your efforts and if you have any questions, please contact me. My POC on this effort is Dena Williams who can be reach at

      Jeffrey F. Krause
      Chief, Natural Resources Management

    • 02/02/24 2023 Excellence in Partnerships Award Recipient
      pleased to share the attached memos, signed by Thomas P. Smith, Chief of Operations and Regulatory, announcing the selection of the awardees for the 2023 Excellence in Partnership Award and the National Volunteer of the Year Award. These awards will be presented to each of the recipients later this year.

      Excellence in Partnerships Award: The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership has united private landowners, universities and over 15 federal and state agencies under the common goal of eliminating feral hogs from public and private lands throughout the state of Missouri to protect public health, agriculture, and natural resources through control measures, education, legislation actions and enforcement, and disease monitoring.

    Other Policy

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