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Career Development Program Training Banner


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    Exportable Training

    • Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
        An interactive learning tool focusing on contracting and acquisition. Two of the more popular courses available are Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Mentor, and Contracting Overview. These courses are a "must have" if you deal with Corps of Engineers contracts.
    • Learning Center
        a Government-wide resource that supports development of the Federal workforce through simplified and one-stop access to high quality e-Training products and services. Categories of training include: Communications, Customer Service, e-Learning, Human Resources, Leadership, Legislatively Mandated & Agency Required Topics, Management, Microsoft Office, Personal Development, Professional Development and Project Management.
    • Section 508
        requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities. The Federal Information Technology Accessibility Initiative is a Federal government interagency effort to offer information and technical assistance to assist in the successful implementation of Section 508. The 508 Universe currently includes an online course to train Webmasters how to develop Web pages that meet the Access Board standards for Web pages as specified in §1194.22 of the Federal Register published on December 21, 2000.
        A free on-line training site with an emphasis on environmental training and safety (OSHA) training. A great place to get that hard-to-find mandatory training requirement on forklift training, community right to know, MSDS, etc.

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    • Army Career Development Program
    • Army Correspondence Courses
        Administered by the Army Institute for Professional Development, this site offers the Supervisor Development Course that is mandatory and required training as outlined in the Corps of Engineers Natural Resource Management Career Guide (EP 690-2-2).
    • Army Training Information System
        This site offers a variety of online education. The courses are free, and once registered for a course from a .mil computer, can be later accessed from your personal computer. The Smartforce uses seven broad topics, Careers, Business Skills, Technology Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Home and Personal, Certification and E-business Skills, to guide you to learning paths. Many courses are very applicable to use in the field and offices, and many others are tools you can use to work toward career advancement (Program Management, budgeting and other "management" skills).
    • Boat U.S. Foundation
        A good source to refresh and hone your boating knowledge. Two courses available (General Boating and Personal Watercraft).
    • Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
        Link to BLM's National Training Center, offering resource-related courses and more.
    • Civilian Education System
        provides the leadership common core training curriculum for all Army civilians, from entry level career interns to top level managers at the executive level.
    • Distance Learning Directorate
        Provides a list of Websites where U.S. Army personnel (military and civilian) can access free or low-cost training courses and other training products.
    • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
        Free emergency management training is available. Completion of some courses lead to certification and possible career opportunities
    • National Association for Interpretation (NAI)
        Provides training workshops and certification programs to become a certified heritage interpreter, certified interpretive manager, certified interpretive planner, and certified interpretive trainer.
    • National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA)
        Provides professional development, and continuing education opportunities across the disciplines of parks and recreation. Certification programs through the NRPA are also offered.
    • National Technology Transfer, Inc.
        NTT provides the opportunity to learn theory from expert instructors and then, using actual equipment and systems, put into practice the skills and techniques discussed. This training is geared toward those NRM team members dealing in “maintenance” systems.
    • Payment of Expenses to Obtain Professional Credentials
        The Corps can reimburse for expenses related to obtaining professional certification
    • Resource Training Institute (RTI)
        RTI delivers a wide range of high-quality environmental management, emergency response and security training products and services. Additional courses in the areas of Air Quality, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) are also available.Government Institute and RTI offer additional courses in Security Vulnerability Analysis and Emergency Response Management Planning.
    • The American Fisheries Society (AFS)
        Professional Certification Program evaluates the education and experience of fisheries professionals. Applications are evaluated on an ongoing basis, and applicants do not have to be AFS members. Certification may be used as (1) a basis for evaluation for employment or promotion, (2) demonstration of expertise, (3) continuing professional activities, and (4) education and verification of professionalism. The Professional Certification Program also serves to promote and strengthen the field’s professional standards.
    • The National Park (NPS) Service Learning Place
        A centralized location for information and materials about training and development for the NPS.
    • The Society of American Foresters
        Provides professional development, and continuing education opportunities in forest science and management. Certification programs through the SAF are also offered.
    • The USACE Professional Development Support Center
        The courses offered under this program are developed to meet unique Corps of Engineers training needs. Employees and supervisors should refer to the Purple Book (CEHRP 350-1-1) while assessing and identifying training needs for an employee's Individual Development Plan (IDP). Classes are taught by Corps employees from HQUSACE, Divisions, Districts, and laboratories or are contracted to universities or private firms.
    • The Wildlife Society
        Seeks to promote and strengthen professional standards in all activities devoted to wildlife resources. To this end, the Society has developed a professional certification program designed to evaluate the education and professional experience of wildlife biologists.
    • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Graduate School
        Offers over 1500 courses for career development and personal enrichment. Check out the Distance Learning and Leadership Development Academy sections of this site.
    • United States Fish and Wildlife's National Conservation Training Center
        Link to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife's training center located in Shepardstown WV. The National Conservation Training Center offers many resource related courses.

    Other Training

    • Comprehensive Soldier Fitness
        Comprehensive Soldier Fitness training is available to all DA Civilians. It is designed to provide a system to master skills necessary to achieve balance in lives and build resilience in order to thrive in an era of high operational tempo and persistent conflict.

        This is required training for all active duty Soldiers. DA Civilians are encouraged, but not required, to conduct the training. An AKO login is required for access to the link, and the training takes about one hour.

    • proValens Learning
        ProValens offers various types of courses on a range of topics to help meet the needs of aspiring and experienced parks and land management professionals and the agencies they serve.

    University Partners

    • Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo, CA
        has BS and MS degree programs in the Biological Sciences, Engineering Fields, and Forestry Sciences. However, this link sends you to their website concerning their graduate programs in many different areas, including Parks, Recreation and Tourism.
    • California Sate University, Chico, CA
        provides BS and MS programs in Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, Recreation Administration, and Parks and Natural Resource Management Administration. Professor Jon Hooper annually offers a professional training session in communications and presentation skills workshop to improve professional presentations each January and offers spaces to Corps employees.
    • Clemson Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
        State-assisted university in South Carolina offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs in PRTM.
    • Colorado Sate University
        A comprehensive bachelor's, master's, and doctoral program, accredited by the National Recreation and Parks Association. Housed in the College of Natural Resources.
    • George Mason Distance Learning Program
        A partnership between the U.S. Forest Service and George Mason University, these courses are designed to help meet staff development of the Forest Service employees and other public land managers. Fourteen courses, seven each in natural resource recreation management and national forest land management are offered.
    • Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
        currently have BS and MS programs in Fisheries, Forestry, Natural Resources, Oceanography, Range and Watershed Mgmt. As an alumnus of Humboldt, Barbara Cooper, Park Ranger in SPK, said "one of its strengths is in offering natural resource education with the field locations to back it up, with a marine lab on the coast, the heart of the north coast redwood forests and rivers to do lots of research. Alan Leftridge and Carolyn Bauer are two professors that have links to the National Association of Interpretation and have provided professional training workshops and internships to agencies in addition to their professional standing."
    • Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
        offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Park Management and Conservation, Geology, Biology and Engineering.
    • Michigan State's Park Law Enforcement and Ranger Institute
        The Institute is a practical education program for visitor and resource security personnel, administrators, policy makers and students. The inclusion of both law enforcement and ranger in the Institute name reflects the involvement of certified and noncertified personnel in enforcement, education, and management concerning visitors and resources
    • Natural Resources Distance Learning Consortium
    • Natural Resources Leadership Institute (North Carolina, Kentucky)
        Participants can look forward to a stimulating and challenging series of seminars that will teach personal and group leadership skills, explore the nature of natural resource conflicts, and identify constructive dispute resolution alternatives.
    • Pennslvania State University
        Penn State Executive Programs: Management Program for Natural Resource Managers -- The Penn State Management Program for Natural Resource Managers offers an intensive 9-day learning experience designed to provide an in-depth examination of the critical management issues facing natural resource professionals.
    • Sacramento State University
        has BS and MS programs in the Biological Sciences, Recreation Administration, Public Policy Administration, and Engineering, along with some distance learning courses.
    • Santa Rosa Public Safety Training
        offers the South Pacific Division a two week training session for new hires for an overall introduction of the Corps and Visitor Assistance principals. The Academy also offers degrees in criminal justice, EMT and Paramedic programs, Fire fighting, and related courses that the Corps has taken advantage of such as an Emergency Vehicle Operations course complete with skid plates and driving simulators. They accept out of state students and offer first class facilities at their new training center.
    • Slippery Rock University (Pennsylvania)
        Postgraduate self-directed studies allow team members to perform much of the course work at their home station.
    • University of Florida Distance Learning Site
        These graduate-engineering courses are available to support degree programs or non-degree programs (professional development) in fields such as environmental policy management.
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