Policy & Procedures
Army Regulations
- AR 690-400
Total Army Performance Evaluation SystemProvides system guidance for the timely evaluation of team members. The pamphlet is an easy-to-read guide and employees are strongly encouraged to read it before tackling the more cumbersome regulation.
Engineer Pamphlets
- EP 690-2-2, dated 14 May 2010
Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural Resources Management Team MembersThis pamphlet serves as a career planning guide to assist civil works team members in
planning, developing, and achieving career goals within the area of natural resources
management. It has been written for civilian team members of the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers within the civil works natural resources management element of the Operations
Division. The guide provides a brief description of the organization of the Corps and explains
certain policies and regulations that are of interest to team members. Although the
information covered in this guide is by no means complete, it will help team members
oriented to their positions and future career opportunities. The guide explains the various
pathways for development and promotion available to the four major categories of team
members in the program: 1) park rangers and natural resource management specialists, 2)
park managers and staffers, 3) administrative support, and 4) facility management and
maintenance. Additionally, the guide provides team members with information on what is
recommended in the areas of training and experience to qualify for and compete for various
positions in the pursuit of career goals in this program.
Engineer Regulations
- ER 25-1-8, dated 23 January 2006
The Community of Practice in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- ER 350-1-420, dated 15 January 1995
5-Year IDP and Development AssignmentsThis regulation provides policy requirements and guidance concerning the USACE Five-Year Individual Development Plan (IDP) and all USACE developmental assignments. Training and development ensure a work force that is capable of effectively performing assigned duties and accomplishing its mission. Training and development enhance and improve employees' skills and knowledge and help them to reach their full potential. Realistic, well-conceived career plans will help employees achieve their career goals. This requires long-range planning. Development of the five-year IDP should be a joint effort between supervisor and employee, encouraging open discussion about individual and organizational needs. The plan should not be considered a guarantee or contract, but a commitment to work together for the common good of both the individual and the organization.
- ER 385-1-91, dated 1 September 2019
Training, Testing and Licensing of Small Boat OperatorsThis regulation establishes the policy and procedures for the training, testing, and licensing of
operators of USACE boats less than 26 feet in length. The proper training improves employees’
skills and knowledge and ensures the safe operation of USACE boats.
- ER 690-1-1203, dated 1 March 2000
Corporate Recruitment and SelectionThe purpose of this regulation is to provide guidance that will ensure effective implementation of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers corporate recruitment and selection policy for GS-15 and Supervisory GS-14 (or equivalent) positions. It includes positions in the Laboratory Demonstration Project. It does not apply to wage grade positions. Commanders may develop policy applicable to Supervisory GS-13 positions by supplementation of this regulation.
- ER 690-1-1214
USACE Leadership Development Program (2011)This regulation outlines the purpose of the USACE Leadership Development Program (LDP) and
the key developmental components to support the program. The LDP utilizes education,
developmental assignments, and mentoring to develop results-oriented, agile leaders who
successfully lead people and lead change. Corps employees are encouraged to actively
participate in the LDP to fully develop leadership potential.
- ER 690-1-1215, dated 13 May 2021
Human Resources - Telework Program
- ER 690-1-1217, dated 10 July 2017
Civilian Personnel - Hiring and Retention Incentives
- ER 690-1-1218, dated 30 June 2021
Human Resources - Civilian Drug-Free Workplace Program
- ER 690-1-414
Proponent-Sponsored Engineer Corps Training (PROSPECT) (1994)The purpose of this regulation is to provide an overview of the PROSPECT training program. This
regulation explains the financial and instructional benefits of PROSPECT training courses and
the identifies the organizational and individual responsibilities regarding the PROSPECT training
- ER 690-1-500, dated 31 July 2002
Civilian Personnel - Position Management and Classification
- ER 690-1-967, dated 1 June 1988
Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment ProgramIn accordance with 5 USC 7201, it is the policy of this Headquarters to conduct a continuing
program for the recruitment of minority group members, women, disabled veterans and
handicapped individuals in a manner designed to eliminate their under-representation for all civil
service positions within serviced activities and ensure equal opportunity. This program requires
the support and participation of all levels of management in order to be effective and
meaningful. Each supervisor and manager will be conscious of areas of under-representation
within their work force and will develop techniques for program accomplishments based upon
their assessment of needs and opportunities.
- 02/14/25 NRM CAP Selection Announcement for 2025
I'm pleased to announce that Ms. Chelsea Jones, of the Pittsburgh District and Mr. Rocky Millenbine, of the Mobile District have been selected for the Natural Resources Management (NRM) Career Assignment Program (CAP) at HQUSACE. Ms. Jones will serve the first term (February - July 2025) and Mr. Millenbine will serve the second term (July - December 2025), both performing an important role to the HQ NRM team. This program provides an excellent opportunity for our future leaders to gain valuable experiences and insight into the NRM program and Civil Works at the national level. Please join me in congratulating Ms. Jones and Mr. Millenbine on their selection for this opportunity. Information on the Career Assignment Program should be directed to Heath Kruger at heath.r.kruger@usace.army.mil. Jeff Jeffrey F. Krause Chief, Natural Resources Management
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