Hiring, Training & Career Development
- Job Hunting - This site will help prospective employees find the tools to allow them to seek, learn about, and apply for a position within the Corps of Engineers or other federal agencies.
- Recruitment and Hiring - This page will give tips to supervisors or other management personnel as they seek to recruit the "brightest and the best," "request a recruit action," and make a selection.
- Career Development - The purpose of this site is to provide "self help" tools, provide hints on competing for developmental assignments, temporary promotions, and temporary details. It will also provide advice for working within the corporate structure of the agency to climb the ladder of success.
- Training - This site allows users to locate federal and non-federal training that will be needed to enhance their technical skills, to let them acquire skills needed for more challenging positions, and to sharpen their managerial techniques.
At a Glance
News / Current Issues
Policy & Procedures
Program Summary
Good Enough to Share
Lessons Learned
Related Sites
Hiring Official Resources
Division & District POCs
Find a Job
Becoming a Supervisor
Learn Your Job
Master Your Job