NAB: Habitat Improvements with NWTF at Raystown Lake
Lake: Raystown Lake, PA Partners: USACE; National Wild Turkey Federation; Pheasants Forever; Pennsylvania Game Commission; Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Partnership Type: MOU Corps POC: Jeffrey F. Krause Wildlife Biologist, Raystown Lake Story: On December 10, 1998, Lieutenant General Joe Ballard, Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Corps (USACE) and the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). The MOU encouraged both parties to share interest and responsibilities in the management of Wild Turkeys on USACE lands. In 1999, the Terrace Mountain Chapter of the NWTF was formed in Huntingdon County. Due to the proximity of local chapter to Raystown Lake and the emerging habitat programs offered by the Corps, this plan was developed to assist future planning and implementation of projects beneficial to the Wild Turkey. Over the past three years this program has worked with the Terrace Mountain Chapter of the NWTF to improve habitat on Corps of Engineers property. Since fall 2000, the Chapter, through NWTF state Superfund monies, has planted over 1,200 flowering crab-apples, cleared locust trees, and planted clover, warm season grasses, corn, sorghum, buckwheat and sunflowers on approximately 140 acres of land. To date the Terrace Mountain Chapter has provided $23,260 in Superfund dollars to assist the Corps in managing wildlife habitat. Additionally, the Terrace Mountain Chapter is the lead organization in conducting a deer hunt for hunters with disabilities. The event in 2002 was very successful with a 100-percent success rate. URL: http://raystown.nab.usace.army.mil/LandManagement/nationalturkey.htm |