Oregon Cascades Birding Trail
Lake: Willamette Valley Projects and Rogue River Basin Oregon Partners: USACE; American Bird Conservancy; Audubon Society of Portland; Oregon Department of Transportation; Oregon State Parks; USDA Forest Service; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partnership Type: Cooperative Agreement Corps POC: Wade Stampe, Operations Project Manager; Bryan Von Bargen, Natural Resource Manager; Kat Beal, Wildlife Biologist Story: The Oregon Cascades Birding Trail is the first project of a multi-agency working group tasked with identifying and promoting a network of prime birding spots in Oregon. Completed in 2003, the trail extends more than 1000 miles and includes more than 100 key birding sites, including several at Corps lakes in the WillametteValleys Three Sisters Loop and the Rogue River Basins Mt. McGloughlin Loop. The Cascades Trail is only the first of eight birding trails planned to showcase Oregons incredibly diverse and important avian habitats. Birding trails are designed to help diversify local economies by expanding the tourism market, especially welcome in rural communities dependent on declining timber revenues. In addition, the trails are an ideal way to draw attention to important natural resources provided and managed by the Corps of Engineers. Evaluation criteria for inclusion in the trail include uniqueness of habitat, richness of birding experience, environmental resiliency, access to public services, economic significance, and community support. A color brochure has been developed and widely distributed at airports, car rental agencies, and other tourist venues, and is also available through the Internet. Signage will be completed in 2004. A cooperative agreement between the Portland District and Cascade Pacific Resource and Development Area, Inc.was used to fund sponsorship of multiple sites in support of brochure printing and signage. |