1983 |
P.L. 98-63 passed in 1983 authorized the Chief of Engineers to accept the services of volunteers and to provide for their incidental expenses. |
1985 |
ER 1130-2-432, the first regulation, was published on 11 Dec. 1985. |
1986 |
Federal Interagency Team on Volunteerism created to bring together national volunteer program leaders to promote natural and cultural resource based volunteerism |
1992 |
Volunteer Booklets (out of print): "Volunteering for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Techniques of Supervising Volunteers" and "A Volunteer's Guide to Working Safely." |
1993 |
EP 1130-2-429, Volunteer Coordinator's Handbook, assists volunteer program coordinators in preparing volunteer management plans and to provide procedures for administering effective volunteer programs. |
1994 |
The Corps Volunteer Clearinghouse, hosted by the Nashville District, opened on 3 January 1994 and serves the Corps nationwide to match volunteers with Corps projects that need them. The Clearinghouse has a toll-free telephone "hot-line" (1-800-VOL-TEER or 1-800-865-8337) and website (www.corpslakes.us/volunteer). |
1994 |
EP 1130-2-433, Volunteer Brochure: "Volunteer for America's Environment: A Shared Responsibility" |
1996 |
EP/ER 1130-2-500, Chapter 10 - Corps of Engineers Volunteer Program - Program and policy guidance. Revised regulation allows volunteers to operate vehicles and vessels and to collect fees or handle government funds. |
2002 |
Volunteer.gov/gov launched on 30 May 2002, a federal inter-agency website to provide online access to volunteer opportunities with federal agencies. |
2004 |
Policy Memo 04-01, dated 27 October 2004, Volunteer Value of Service Hourly Rate, initiated the Corps determining the value of volunteer service by using the Independent Sector's per hour figure.
2007 |
Volunteer clothing - shirts, hats, vests, jackets, nametags and patches -to identify volunteers and provide recognition, became available from the Corps uniform contractor, VF Solutions. |
2008 |
OMB Form "Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agencies for Individuals or Groups" replaces ENG Form 4880-R, Oct. 01, "Agreement for Individual/Group Volunteer Services" and ENG Form 4881-R, Oct. 01,"Parental Approval" form. |
2009 |
Volunteer Program Policy Letter Revised policy on purchase of meals, volunteer clothing, appreciation items, record keeping in OMBIL |
2011 |
Volunteer Program Policy Letter Rescinded May 2009 policy letter and revised provisions and policies related to expenditure of funds for food/beverages for volunteers, allowable clothing items, and appreciation for volunteer work. |
2013 |
ER/EP 11300-2-500 Chapter 10 Corps of Engineers Volunteer Program Updated to include language from Nov 2011 policy memo, authorized legal alien permanent residents and foreign exchange student volunteers, listed requirements and procedures for background checks and acquiring VOLAC cards for volunteers needing access to government computers |
2013 |
Relaunch of volunteer.gov with improved portal design and navigation upgrade, Public Lands Corps tracking module, and training modules for volunteers and coordinators |
2013 |
Volunteer Pass Program started |
2014 |
New volunteer brochure created. National Volunteer Award for Individuals and Groups instituted |
2015 |
New suite of OF 301 volunteer forms approved by OMB |
2016 |
New Implementation Guidance issued for volunteer program to supersede Chapter 10 of ER/EP 1130-2-500 |
2016 |
USACE authorized to participate in America the Beautiful Interagency Pass Program and issue ATB Volunteer passes to Corps volunteers |
2016 |
Volunteer bonding policy memo issued to clarify rules on bonding of volunteers |
2016 |
Enduring Service Volunteer Award created by Corps Foundation to honor long term service and outstanding contributions by volunteers |
2017 |
Policy memos for Partner-funded Personnel and Civilian Inmate Labor Program provided clarification for authorities outside the volunteer program |
2020 |
Corps Volunteer Clearinghouse retired. Volunteer.gov used as recruitment portal |
2020 |
Volunteer Background Investigation Procedures updated |