Job/Activity Hazard Analyses
Safety is a top priority in the volunteer program. As stated in the 2016 Implementation Guidance for Section 1047(d) Services of Volunteers, of the Water Resources and Reform Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, Public Law 113-121, Section 6.e.(4) "The volunteer coordinator, either directly or through a volunteer supervisor, will ensure that the volunteer is properly oriented and trained, and that his/her qualifications are adequate and documented for the work assigned." Section 6.aa.(3) also states, "A complete, detailed description of the duties, conditions, and responsibilities must also be attached to the OF 301a. Finally, a job hazard analysis or activity hazard analysis must be attached to the OF 301a."
- Job Hazard Analysis/Position Hazard Analysis (JHA/PHA) - Titles are used interchangeably. Identifies and describes overall potential tasks and hazards of a volunteer position or job.
- Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)- Identifies and describes specific tasks of a volunteer position/job in more detail
The Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) shown below have been submitted as examples and are intended to cover multiple tasks and hazards that a park host or volunteer maintenance position may encounter, but each should be reviewed and revised as necessary to cover what is needed for each specific job, location, and task:
- Volunteer Park Host JHA - SAD
- Park Host and Maintenance Volunteer JHA - SWD
The Activity Hazard Analyses (AHAs) shown below have been submitted as examples and are intended to cover specific tasks that a volunteer may be asked to accomplish, but each should be reviewed and revised as necessary to cover what is needed for each specific location and task:
Below are fillable PDF forms. Right click the link to download.
- Volunteer Management Handbook, Fort Worth District June 2007
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