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National Sign Standards Program Safety Sign Approvals Banner

Requests for non-standard safety sign approvals

    The text of all safety critical signs, including Caution, Warning, and Danger messages, is considered a matter of policy requiring prior approval at the Headquarters level. A list of approved Caution, Warning and Danger legends is provided below. If wording needed is not on this list, approval from Headquarters is required. Follow the procedure outlined below through the sign program chain of command. Complete the request form with all pertinent illustrations, photos, explanations, etc. Do not be fancy, just complete. Simple drawings and photos are best.
    1. Review all approved safety signs.
    2. If no approved signs can meet the need, develop a proposed message.
    3. Select the proper signal word for the heading (Danger/Warning) Follow guidance beginning on page 2-14 and also on page 11-1 of EP310-1-6a and the USACE Safety Manual EM385-1-1, Section 8.
    4. Ensure message is concise. See guidance on page 2-2 and 2-13.
    5. Completely fill out items 1 through 5 on the request form on page 1-13.
    6. Create a site map of proposed sign location(s) and attach.
    7. Attach a concise narrative with any critical background information and the rationale for the proposed sign legend for complex or controversial signs,.
    8. Attach any critical supporting documentation
      1. Input from district Safety Office, Office of Counsel, etc.
      2. Input from other agencies (i.e. Highway Department, Coast Guard, etc)
      3. Other documentation
    9. Use Adobe to combine all files into a single PDF.
    10. Send combined PDF file via e-mail through the district and division to the Sign MCX. Mail the original with signatures up the chain.
        To create a single PDF from multiple files, open Adobe Acrobat Pro, click the Combine button, and choose “Merge Files into a Single PDF…”

    Review period for approval requests is approximately four weeks once the complete request arrives at the MCX. The division Sign Program Manager will send the request form and all supporting documentation and/or graphics to the MCX. The time frame for the process is as follows:

    • 2 business days for the MCX to review request for completeness. If no additional information is required, it will be forwarded to the chair of the Sign Advisory Workgroup (SAWG) to disseminate for review.
    • 10 business days for SAWG to review and return their comments to the chair.
    • 2 business days for the SAWG chair to coordinate all comments and send a recommendation to the MCX.
    • 1 business day for MCX to review and forward comments and/or concurrence of recommendation to HQ.
    • 4 business days for HQ to review and return a decision.
    • 1 business day for MCX to email decision memorandum to district.
    • Approved non-standard legends will be added to the list posted on the Gateway.

      Special circumstances may extend the time frame

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