POLICY: The sign manual is a supplement to the Corps Graphic Standards Manual (EP 310-1-6), and is published as an Engineer Pamphlet, EP 310-1-6a (volume I, published 2006) and EP 310-1-6b (volume 2, published 1993).
PURPOSE: The sign manual establishes design methodology and visual/verbal standards for all signage on all Corps Civil Works projects nationwide. In addition to specifications for materials, fabrication, installation and maintenance; the manual also outlines the process by which a comprehensive sign plan is developed.
AVAILABILITY: The manual is only available in digital format (links below). Projects that have hardcopies of previous editions are advised not to throw away old hardcopies of the manual. Hardcopies contain actual sheeting materials and color charts that cannot be reproduced consistently with computer monitors and printers.
UPDATES: HQ-approved waivers and national program manager updates to legends, symbols, and other visuals that are approved for use, but do not appear in the published manual are summarized in a separate link below. The Sign Advisory Working Group and Program MCX are presently reviewing both volumes and aim to having them published in FY22—at which point approved waivers/updates will be incorporated.
Additions to Sign Program: A consolidated list of approved updates that do not otherwise appear in manual below
Request a Nonstandard safety sign: Have a unique condition that the requires a sign not otherwise available in the manual? There’s a process for that!