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Natural Resource Management System (NRMS)
Historical Data

The Natural Resources Management (NRM) community (Recreation and Environmental Stewardship (ES) Business Lines) have been collecting annual NRM project data since the mid-70s through a series of systems.

NRM data is used for many different purposes, including decisions concerning facility development, budget development and defense, tracking performance measures, preparation of briefings and fact sheets, asset management, etc. It is used to populate information on the Gateway and numerous other internal and external web sites. Inaccurate and/or incomplete data not only reflects poorly on the Corps and renders a disservice to the public but could also jeopardize the viability of our O&M missions and budget defense.

In 1984, the Natural Resources Management System (NRMS) was automated, residing on a mainframe and accessed from remote computer locations in the field. Data were updated annually at the end of each fiscal year to create a database of record for each year. The NRMS was officially discontinued after the FY-99 update; however the data files are maintained as a historical record. NRMS was subsumed in the Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL).

The NRMS was a system designed for collecting annual recreation and natural resource management information for all civil works projects having a minimum annual visitation of 5,000 recreation days of use (later changed to 20,000 visitor hours). This system was used in the performance of the Corps' Natural Resources Management mission and to provide information about the Corps' programs to other Federal agencies, State and local agencies, members of Congress, organizations, individuals, and the news media.

Caution is advised when using any of the NRMS data. Before making any assumptions about the definition of a particular datafield, please refer to the NRMS User's Manual for that particular year.

The NRMS was officially discontinued after the FY-99 update; however the data files are maintained as a historical record. NRMS was subsumed in the Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL).

The NRMS was a system designed for collecting annual recreation and natural resource management information for all civil works projects having a minimum annual visitation of 5,000 recreation days of use (later changed to 20,000 visitor hours). This system was used in the performance of the Corps' Natural Resources Management mission and to provide information about the Corps' programs to other Federal agencies, State and local agencies, members of Congress, organizations, individuals, and the news media.

Caution is advised when using any of the NRMS data. Before making any assumptions about the definition of a particular datafield, please refer to the NRMS User's Manual for that particular year.

Blue Ball User Manuals Blue Ball Program Summary
Blue Ball Data Files Blue Ball Good Enough to Share