The Natural Resources Management (NRM) community (Recreation and Environmental Stewardship (ES) Business Lines) have been collecting annual NRM project data since the mid-70s through a series of systems.
NRM data is used for many different purposes, including decisions concerning facility development, budget development and defense, tracking performance measures, preparation of briefings and fact sheets, asset management, etc. It is used to populate information on the Gateway and numerous other internal and external web sites. Inaccurate and/or incomplete data not only reflects poorly on the Corps and renders a disservice to the public but could also jeopardize the viability of our O&M missions and budget defense.
In 2000, the NRM community began utilizing OMBIL to collect annual project data.
The Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL) was developed to provide a single repository of information required to operate and manage the Operations function of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Key objectives in the development included one-time data entry, as well as access to corresponding, consistent information in various formats at all levels of the Operations community. OMBIL contains modules for each business function, which currently include Navigation (including Locks & Dredging), Hydropower, Recreation, Environmental Stewardship (including Natural Resources & Environmental Compliance), Flood Damage Reduction, and Regulatory.
Each business function identified its own data needs and provided advice and assistance in the development of its component. The Recreation and Environmental Stewardship Business Function employed a group of Subject Matter Experts (SME's) representing the project, District, and Division levels, with one HQ proponent, to assure that the needs of all users were addressed during development. OMBIL replaced the old NRMS (Natural Resources Management System), which is now a historical database. The historical data are available at the NRMS Web page.
CWBI-OPS (https://cwbi.ops.usace.army.mil/) has replaced OMBIL. Historical data from OMBIL may be found in CWBI-OPS for the respective modules.
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