Related Sites
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- Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS)
A CPAR assesses a contractor's performance and provides a record, both positive and negative, on a given contractor during a specific period of time. CPARS is a web-enabled application that collects and manages the library of automated CPARs. On-line training as well as the tool for completing and viewing contractor performance assessments is available at this site.
- Dun & Bradstreet, Inc / DUNS Number
To register in CCR, a firm must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The DUNS Number is assigned by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. to identify unique business entities. DUNS numbers can be obtained by visiting this website.
- Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps)
FedBizOpps is the U.S. Governments one-stop virtual marketplace. Through this single point-of-entry, commercial vendors and government buyers are invited to post, search, monitor, and retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire Federal contracting community.
- System for Award Management (SAM)
- U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
DOL fosters and promotes the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States by improving their working conditions, advancing their opportunities for profitable employment, protecting their retirement and health care benefits, helping employers find workers, strengthening free collective bargaining, and tracking changes in employment, prices, and other national economic measurements. In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support.
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.
- USACE Small Business Programs
Information concerning the Corps of Engineers programs to maximize opportunities for small
businesses to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable
suppliers to support the Corps of Engineers mission and strengthen our Nations economic
- Wage Determinations OnLine (WDOL)
This site provides a single location for federal contracting officers to use in obtaining appropriate Service Contract Act (SCA) and Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) wage determinations for each official contract action. WDOL.gov is part of the Integrated Acquisition Environment, one of the E-Government initiatives in the Presidents Management Agenda. It is a collaborative effort of the Office of Management and Budget, Department of Labor (DOL), Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Energy, and Department of Commerce.
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