- McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act
This Act applies to every contract entered into by the United States or the District of Columbia, the principal purpose of which is to furnish services to the United States through the use of service employees. The SCA requires contractors and subcontractors performing services on covered federal or District of Columbia contracts in excess of $2,500 to pay service employees in various classes no less than the monetary wage rates and to furnish fringe benefits found prevailing in the locality, or the rates (including prospective increases) contained in a predecessor contractor's collective bargaining agreement. Safety and health standards also apply to such contracts.
- Defense Acquisition Guidebook
The purpose of this Guidebook is to provide members of the acquisition community and our industry partners with an interactive, on-line reference to policy and discretionary best practice. Consider the Guidebook a valuable resource as you design your programs.
- Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA)
The Davis Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) requires all contractors and subcontractors performing work on federal or District of Columbia construction contracts or federally assisted contracts in excess of $2,000 to pay their laborers and mechanics not less than the prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits for corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on similar projects in the area. The prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits are determined by the Secretary of Labor for inclusion in covered contracts.
- US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Acquisition Instruction and Desk Guide (25 Jan 2017)
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