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National MOUs/MOAs

    All MOUs and MOUs listed are Natural Resources proponent unless otherwise noted.

  • Archive of MOUs/MOAs

Agency/Organization Start Date Description End Date
21st Century Conservation Service Corps 1/1/13 MOU between Department of the Army, DOI, DOA, DOC, DOL, EPA, CEQ, and CNCS
Purpose: To establish the interagency National Council for the 21 CSC and form an interagency working group.
In effect until terminated
American Chestnut Foundation 12/2009 MOU between USACE and the American Chestnut Foundation
Purpose: To restore the American Chestnut on USACE lands
In effect until terminated
Back Country Horsemen of America 3/2/2020 MOU between USACE and Back Country Horsemen of America
To assist each other in programs, projects, training, trails, and other equestrian related opportunities
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers 8/22/23 MOU between USACE and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
To assist each other in sustaining and enhancing the health and vitality of natural resources and promoting shared stewardship through volunteerism and service on the lands and waters.
BASS 6/1996 MOU between Bass Anglers Sportsman Society and USACE
Purpose: Maintain and enhance sportfishery resources, public fishing opportunities, and increase public understanding
In effect until terminated
Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation- Kids in Parks TRACK Trails Program 5/22/24 MOU between USACE and Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation
Purpose: To collaborate on development of educational TRACK Trails at USACE projects
BoatU.S. 2006 MOU between BoatU.S. and USACE
Purpose: Cooperate on boating and water safety education outreach, materials, and education
In effect until terminated
Boy Scouts of America 3/1987 MOU between USACE and BSA
Purpose: Work together to protect, develop, and conserve water resources
In effect until terminated
Corps of Engineers Natural Resources Education Foundation 6/22/2023 MOU between the USACE and the CNREF
Provide a framework for continued collaboration related to outreach and education, technical and financial assistance, support of cooperating associations and volunteers, and advocacy for the enhancement of the recreation and environmental stewardship programs at USACE Civil Works projects.
Council for Environmental Education 3/2006 MOU between USACE and the Council for Environmental Education
Purpose: To cooperate in activities to advance environmental education and training
In effect until terminated
Ducks Unlimited 7/1/02 MOU between USACE and DU
Purpose: To collaborate on protection, restoration, and management of wetlands and associated uplands for waterfowl and other wildlife populations.
In effect until terminated
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 2003 MOA between the FAA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, EPA, FWS, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Purpose: To address aircraft-wildlife strikes
In effect until terminated
Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation (FICOR) 7/20/22 MOU between USACE, DOI, USDA, DOC
To ensure effective coordination among Federal agencies with the responsibility for managing Federal lands and waters for sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities, for the purpose of establishing the Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation (FICOR). The establishment of the FICOR will enhance coordination across multiple Federal land and water management agencies for the benefit of Federal resources and the public who enjoy, rely upon, and benefit from these special places
FLW and FLW Foundation 1/1/13 MOU between USACE, FLW, and the FLW Foundation
Enhance environmental stewardship, promote conservation and appreciation for the outdoors, public safety awareness and boating education, connect the public with the outdoors, with particular focus on activities related to fishing
In effect until terminated
Girl Scouts 11/1990 MOU between Department of Army and the Girl Scouts of the USA
Purpose: Work together to protect, develop, and conserve water resources
In effect until terminated
Interagency America The Beautiful Nature Deprived Communities Team 9/16/22 MOU between USACE, CEQ, DOI, DOT, USDA, EPA, DOC, HUD, CNCS, DHS
To strengthen and sustain the ability to support locally led conservation and park projects in nature-deprived communities
Interagency Zebra and Quagga Mussel Rapid Response Team 11/12/2020 MOU between USACE, USFS, BIA, BLM, BOR, NPS, USFWS, USGS
To strengthen federal coordination, communication, and collaboration to rapidly respond to new infestations of Dreissenid mussels in western waters (AL, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, KS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY)
International Mountain Bicycling Association 9/28/02 MOU between USACE and IMBA
Purpose: To create, manage, and develop trail opportunities for mountain biking at Corps facilities
In effect until terminated
Leave No Trace 5/27/09 MOU between the Forest Service, BLM, FWS, NPS, and USACE
Purpose: Cooperate in activities regarding responsible recreational use of federal lands and implement LNT program
In effect until terminated
National Audubon Society 3/2006 MOU between the National Audubon Society and USACE
Purpose: Protect and restore habitats and ecosystems of value to birds, fish and other wildlife
In effect until terminated
National Environmental Education Foundation 5/2003 MOU between USACE and NEEF
Purpose: Seek opportunities to cooperate in activities to advance environmental education and training
In effect until terminated
National Trails System 1/4/17 MOU between DOI (BLM, BOR, NPS, FWS), USDA Forest Service, USACE and USDOT FHWA
This MOU facilitates, encourages, and assists long-term interagency cooperation at the national, trail-wide, regional, State, and local levels in implementing the National Trails Systems Act of 1968
National Wild Turkey Federation 1/1999 MOU between NWTF and USACE
Purpose: Cooperate to plan, manage, and protect wild turkey habitat and populations
Indefinite, with 5-year reviews
Natural Resources Conservation Service 5/2023 MOA between NRCS and USACE
Purpose: IFor provision of goods and services through Economy Act agreements including planning, design, construction, engineering or technical assistance, flood risk reduction, erosion control, emergency response and disaster assistance, environmental/ecosystem restoration, hazardous or toxic materials removal and/or mitigation, invasive species control, permit assistance, cultural resources coordination, research and development, laboratory testing, training and professional development
Naval Sea Cadet Corps 4/2001 MOU between USACE and the Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Purpose: Provide healthful, wholesome, and educational outdoor opportunities for the Sea Cadets to protect, develop, manage, and conserve water resources
In effect until terminated
Paralyzed Veterans of America 4/1996 MOU between USACE and PVA
Purpose: Development of recreational facilities and opportunities for veterans with spinal cord injuries
In effect until terminated
Plant Conservation Alliance 10/18/24 MOU between BIA, DOD, NPS, Smithsonian, USACE, US Botanic Garden, USDA Research Center, US Forest Service, and USGS
To continue the work of a Federal Native Plant Conservation Committee, through the Plant Conservation Alliance. The Committee will identify and recommend, as appropriate, priority conservation needs for native plants and their habitats and coordinate implementation of programs for addressing those needs.
Public Health & Recreation 9/2008 MOU between CDC, USDA Forest Service, BIA, BLM, BOR, FWS, NPS, USACE, and FHWA
Purpose: Promote public health and recreation
In effect until terminated
Public Lands Alliance (formerly known as APPL) 10/2003 MOU between USACE and APPL
Purpose: Partner on training, communication products, and policy
In effect until terminated (formerly National Recreation Reservation Service) 5/1/19 MOU between ACE-IT and Ops Division R1S Support
Purpose: provides a method to purchase refresh/replace R1S computer systems to include computers, monitors, cash drawers, and printers through ACE-IT.
In effect until terminated
Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership 8/2009 MOU between Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership and USACE
Purpose: Promote restoration, conservation, and enhancement of fish habitat
Indefinite, with 5-year reviews
Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society 10/22/21 MOU between Ruffed Grouse/American Woodcock Society and USACE
Provide a framework for continued collaboration related to protection, restoration, and enhancement of ruffed grouse and American woodcock habitat on lands managed by USACE.
In effect until terminated
Safe Kids USA 2/2009 MOU between USACE and Safe Kids
Purpose: Establish a mutual framework for cooperation on safety issues involving outdoor recreation
In effect until terminated
Southeast Tourism Society 5/14/20 MOU between USACE and Southeast Tourism Society
To establish a general framework for cooperation between a private sector tourism organization in the southeast United States and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on programs and policies interested in tourism
The Great Outdoors Fund 1/11/19 MOU between USACE and the Great Outdoors Fund
Improving recreation infrastructure and access by contributing private sector resources to USACE to balance sustainable outdoor recreation with natural resource conservation.
The Nature Conservancy 12/2000 MOU between USACE and TNC
Purpose: Manage water resources to meet human needs, while protecting priority species, natural communities, and their habitats
In effect until terminated
Tread Lightly!, Incorporated 5/2009 MOU among USDA Forest Service, BLM, NPS, USACE, and Tread Lightly!
Purpose: To plan and implement programs, projects, education, training, and other activities regarding responsible recreational use of federal lands and waters and implementation of the TL! program.
In effect until terminated
Trout Unlimited 1/10/23 MOU between USACE and Trout Unlimited
Purpose: To protect, restore, and manage cold water fisheries and their watersheds
U.S. Department of Agriculture (APHIS-WS) 9/30/21 MOA between USACE and USDA (APHIS-WS)
Provision of goods and services by APHIS Wildlife Services to USACE to manage damage caused by indigenous, non-native or feral vertebrates on USACE projects; minimizing livestock losses due to predation by predators; managing wildlife diseases; managing damage caused by invasive species; managing damage to Threatened and Endangered (T&E) species caused by avian and mammalian predators; managing nuisance wildlife; and protecting other wildlife, plants, and habitat from wildlife damage as requested by the USACE.
U.S. Department of the Interior 6/5/2020 MOA between USACE and DOI
Provision of goods and services related to planning, design, environmental support, construction for biological/environmental sciences, GIS, environmental restoration, water supply management, fish and wildlife management, recreation, research, interpretation, training and professional development.
Union Sportsmen's Alliance 10/24/19 MOU between USACE and USA
To facilitate opportunities for USA's union members to volunteer their time and unique trade skills towards construction, repair, and restoration projects on public lands managed by USACE
In effect until terminated
United States Power Squadrons 10/2003 MOU between the United States Power Squadrons and USACE
Purpose: Work together on conservation and management issues pertaining to Corps waterways and recreational boating
In effect until terminated
US Coast Guard and US Coast Guard Auxiliary 3/2004 MOU between USACE, USCG, and USCGA
Purpose: Provide coordinated homeland security efforts on the Nation's waterways, and advance public water safety and security awareness and compliance with State and Federal regulations.
In effect until terminated
Watchable Wildlife Incorporated 3/2003 MOU between USACE and Watchable Wildlife Incorporated
Purpose: Develop, implement, maintain, and enhance wildlife viewing opportunities at Corps projects
In effect until terminated
Wildlife Habitat Council 4/2009 MOU between Wildlife Habitat Council and USACE
Purpose: Enhance and restore native plant habitat, advance awareness of wildlife issues, connect people with nature
In effect until terminated
YMCA 7/19/21 MOU between USACE and YMCA
To cooperate in activities to advance awareness of educational and recreational opportunities for youth that relate to outdoor based activities