- Migratory Bird Joint Venture Directory of Contacts is a website that provides a comprehensive listing of contact information for bird conservation professionals and committee/staff structure for bird conservation initiative.
- Birding Information is a compilation of links that will provide useful information for a birder to obtain birding supplies and equipment, identify regional and national bird conservation organizations, and search for good birding sites throughout the country.
- Publications link includes (a) Corps-specific publications related to inventory and monitoring, conservation actions, and individual species profiles; and (b) non-Corps publications identified as applicable to the bird initiatives.
At a Glance
Types of Birds
Policy & Procedures
Special Status Species
Program Summary
Imp. Bird Areas
Birding Info
Non-Native and Nuisance Species
National Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey
News / Current Issues
Injury, Disease & Mortality
Inventory & Monitoing
Research & Management
Related Sites