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Trails Program Summary Banner

Program Summary

    1968 The National Trails System Act, P.L. 90-543, became law October 2, 1968. The Act established the Appalachian and Pacific Crest National Scenic Trails and authorized a national system of trails to provide additional outdoor recreation opportunities and to promote the preservation of access to the outdoor areas and historic resources of the nation. The National Trails System includes four classes of trails: National Scenic Trails (NST) provide outdoor recreation and the conservation and enjoyment of significant scenic, historic, natural, or cultural qualities; National Historic Trails (NHT) follow travel routes of national historic significance; National Recreation Trails (NRT) are in, or reasonably accessible to, urban areas on federal, state, or private lands; and Connecting or Side Trails provide access to or among the other classes of trails.
    1982 EM 1110-2-410, dated 31 December 1982, Design of Recreation Areas and Facilities - Access and Circulation" includes detailed specifications for trails.
    2002 The Corps entered an interagency MOU to promote public health and recreation. Trails were specifically mentioned in the MOU as part of community infrastructure that should be promoted and developed to increase physical activity.
    2002 President Bush launched the HealthierUS initiative. The policy document specifically mentions the above interagency MOU entered into by the Departments of Interior (DOI), USDA, HHS, and the Army Corps of Engineers to promote the use of public lands to enhance physical and physiological health.
    2002 The Corps entered into a MOU with the International Mountain Bicycling Association to create, manage and develop trail opportunities for mountain biking on Corps lands.
    2004 The Corps entered into an interagency MOU to Promote Trails Training and Trails Resource Exchange.
    2006 National Trails System MOU
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