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The publications listed contain useful facts or information. See also Policy and Procedures for regulation guidance
- Part of Your General Public Is Disabled: A Handbook for Guides in Museums, Zoos, and Historic Houses. Majewski, J. published for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 202-357-1697
- Harper's Ferry Center Accessibility information web site. This site contains good information related to exhibit design. Developed by the NPS but can be used at Corps sites.
- P.A.W., Physically-challenged Access to the Woods. P.O. Box 357, Empire, Colorado 80438, 303-569-2106.
- 7 Principles of Inclusive Playground Design. (2010). PlayCore, Inc and Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University.
Children and Nature/ Nature Deficit Disorder
- Early Childhood Environmental Education Rating Scale. Bhagwanji, Y. (2011). E-book: North American Association for Environmental Education.
- I Love Dirt! 52 activities to help you & your kids discover the wonders of nature. Ward, J. (2008). Boston, MA: Trumpeter Books.
- Into the Field: A Guide to Locally Focused Learning. Leslie, C., Tallmadge, J., & Wessels, T. (1999). Great Barrington, MA: The Orion Society.
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Louv, R. (2005, 2008). Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books.
- Let’s Go Outside! Outdoor Activities and Project to Get You and Your Kids Closer to Nature. Ward, J. (2009). Boston, MA: Trumpeter Books.
- Nature and Young Children: Encouraging creative play and learning in natural environments. Wilson, R. (2012). Lincoln, NE: Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.
- Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age. Louv, R. (2011, 2012). Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books.
- Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities. Sobel, D. (2004). Great Barrington, MA: The Orion Society.
- Sharing Nature with Children, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Parents’ and Teachers’ Nature Awareness Guidebook. Cornell, J. (1998). Nevada City, CA: DAWN Publications.
- Sharing Nature with Children II: A Sequel to the Classic Parents’ & Teachers’ Nature Awareness Guidebook. Cornell, J. (1989). Nevada City, CA: DAWN Publications.
Design, Publications, Signs, & Interpretive Writing
- Designing Interpretive Signs: Principles in Practice. Moscardo, G., Ballantyne, R. & Hughes, K. (2007). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
- Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach. Serrell, B. (1996). AltaMira Press.
- Interpretation by Design: Graphic Design Basics for Heritage Interpreters. Caputo, P., Lewis, S., & Brochu, L. (2008). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Interpretive Design and the Dance of Experience. Van Matre, S. (2009). Institute for Earth Education.
- Interpretive Writing. Leftridge, A. (2006). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Putting Interpretation on the Map: An Interpretive Approach to Geography. Bailey, H. (2009). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Signs, Trails and Wayside Exhibits. Gross, M., Zimmerman, R., & Buchholz, J. (1992, 1994, 2006). Stevens Point, WI: UW-SP Foundation Press, Inc.
- Visitor Use and Evaluation of Interpretive Media. (2003). National Park Service.
Environmental Education/ Interpretation
- Across the Spectrum. Monroe, M. & Krasny, M. (Eds.). (2013). E-book: North American Association for Environmental Education.
- Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education. Sobel, D. (1996). Great Barrington, MA: The Orion Society.
- Environmental Education in Schools: Creating a Program that Works!. Braus, J. & Wood, D. (1993). Washington, DC: Peace Corps Information Collection & Exchange.
- Environmental Interpretation: A Practical Guide for People with Big Ideas and Small Budgets. Ham, S. (1992). Golden CO: North American Press.
- Evaluating Your Environmental Education Programs: A Workbook for Practitioners. Ernst, J., Monroe, M., & Simmons, B. (2009). NAAEE.
- Field Guide to Environmental Literacy: Making Strategic Investments in Environmental Education. Elder, J. (2003). Rock Springs, GA: Environmental Education Coalition.
- Interpreting the Environment. Sharpe, G. (1982). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
- Outdoor Education: Methods and Strategies. Gilbertson, K., Bates, T., McLaughlin, T., & Ewert, A. (2006). Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics.
- Measuring Environmental Education Outcomes. Russ, A. (Ed.). (2014). E-book: North American Association for Environmental Education.
- Team WET Schools
- North American Association for Environmental Education - Guidelines for Excellence
- Early Childhood Environmental Education Programs (2010)
- Nonformal Environmental Education Programs (2004)
- Environmental Education Materials (2004)
- Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12) (2004)
- Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12) Executive Summary and Self Assessment Tool (2004)
- Guidelines for the Preparation and Professional Development of Environmental Educators (2004)
Heritage/ Historical Interpretive References
- Civic Tourism: The Poetry and Politics of Place. Shilling, D. (2007). Prescott, AZ: Sharlot Hall Museum Press.
- The History of Heritage Interpretation in the United States. Merriman, T. & Brochu, L. (2006). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Personal Interpretation: Connecting Your Audience to Heritage Resources. Brochu, L. & Merriman, T. (2002, 2008). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Interpreting Our Heritage, 50th Anniversary Edition. Tilden, F. (2008). Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Interpretive Planning
- Interpretive Master Planning: Volume 1 – Strategies for the New Millennium. Veverka, J. (2011). MuseumsEtc.
- Interpretive Master Planning: Volume 2 – Selected Essays: Philosophy, Theory and Practice. Veverka, J. (2011). MuseumsEct.
- Interpretive Master Planning: The Essential Guide for Interpretive Centers, Parksm Self-Guided Trails, Historic Sites, Zoos, Exhibits & Programs. Veverka, J. (1998). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
- Interpretive Planning: The 5-M Model for Successful Planning Projects. Brochu, L. (2003). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Interpretive Planning for Museums: Integrating Visitor Perspectives in Decision Making. Wells, M., Butler, B., & Koke, J. (2013). Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Pres, Inc.
- Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Examples from the Nature and Environmental Learning Center Profession. Byrd, N. (1998, 2000). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- The Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Interpretive Design of Nature Centers: Buildings. Watson, D. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- The Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Interpretive Design of Nature Centers: Exhibits. Watson, D. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Branding and Marketing Your Nature Center. Bolger, G. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Programming: Citizen Science. Prisby, M. & Super, P. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- Director’s Guide to Best Practices: Programs. Voorhis, K. & Haley, R. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- Director’s Guide to Best Practices: The Search for Extraordinary Leadership: Securing your next Executive Director. McReynolds, C. (2006). Dayton, OH: Association of Nature Center Administrators.
- Interpretive Centers: The History, Design and Development of Nature and Visitor Centers. Gross, M. & Zimmerman, R. (2002). Stevens Point, WI: UW-SP Foundation Press, Inc.
- Management of Interpretive Sites: Developing Sustainable Operations through Effective Leadership. Merriman, T. & Brochu, L. (2005). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
- Nature Center Book: How to Create and Nurture a Nature Center in Your Community. Evens, B. & Evens, C. (2004). Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation.
Nature Play/ Outdoor Classrooms
- Natural Playscapes: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul. Keeler, R. (2008). Redmond, WA: Exchange Press.
- Creating & Retrofitting Play Environments: Best Practice Guidelines. (2009). PlayCore, Inc and Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University.
- Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms: Designing and Implementing Child-Centered Learning Environments. Nelson, E. (2012). St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
- Growing with Nature: Supporting Whole-Child Learning in Outdoor Classrooms. (2011). Lincoln, NE: Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.
- Inspiring Spaces for Young Children. DeViney, J., Duncan, S., Harris, S., Rody, M., & Rosenberry, L. Lincoln, NE: Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.
- Keeping it Growing: Sustaining Your Outdoor Classroom. (2012). Lincoln, NE: Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.
- Learning with Nature Idea Book: Creating Nurturing Outdoor Spaces for Children. (2007). Lincoln, NE: Arbor Day Foundation.
- Nature Play & Learning Place: Creating and Managing places where Children Engage with Nature. Moore, R. (2014). National Wildlife Federation and Natural Learning Initiative.
- Pathways for Play: Best Practice Guidelines. (2010). PlayCore, Inc and Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University.
Program Development and Presentation
- The Audience and You, Gordon Kilker, 1974, National Park Service, GPO Number 1974, 0-550-953.
- Conducting Meaningful Interpretation: A Field Guide for Success. Widner Ward, C. & Wilkenson, A. (2006). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
- The Docent Handbook. (2001). Berkeley, CA: National Docent Symposium.
- The Good Guide: A Sourcebook for Interpreters, Docents and Tour Guides. Grinder, A. & McCoy, E. (1985). Scottsdale, AZ: Ironwood Publishing.
- Handles: A Compendium of Interpretive Techniques to Help Visitors Grasp Resource Meanings. Scherbaum, P. (2006). Philadelphia, PA: Eastern National Park and Monument Association.
- Interpreter’s Guidebook: Techniques for Programs and Presentations. Regnier, K., Gross, M., & Zimmerman, R. (1994). Stevens Point, WI: UW-SP Foundation Press, Inc.
- Interpreting for Park Visitors. Lewis, W. (2001). Philadelphia, PA: Eastern National Park and Monument Association.
- Interpretive Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Interpretation to Help Resolve Critical Resource Issues. Whatley, M. (2011). Fort Collins, CO: InterpPress.
- Meaningful Interpretation: How to Connect Hearts and Minds to Places, Objects, and Other Resources. Larsen, D. (Ed.). (2011). Eastern National: America's National Parks Warehouse (877) NAT-PARK.
- Passionate Fact: Storytelling in Natural History and Cultural Interpretation. Strauss, S. (1996). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
Research, Principles, & Fundamentals
- Applied Interpretation: Putting Research into Practice. Knapp, D. (2007). Fort Collins, CO: InterpPress.
- Gifts of Interpretation (formerly, Interpretation for the 21st Century): Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting Nature and Culture. Beck, L. & Cable, T. (2012). Sagamore Publishing.
- Interpretation of Cultural and Natural Resources. Knudsen, D., Cable, T., & Beck, L. (2003). State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
- Interpretation: Making a Difference on Purpose. Ham, S. (2013). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
- On Interpretation: Sociology for Interpreters of Natural and Cultural History. Machlis, G. & Field, D. (Eds.). (1992). Oregon State University Press.
- Parks for Life: Moving the Goal Posts, Changing the Rules, and Expanding the Field, LaPage, W. (2007). Venture Publishing.
- Supplements to a Guide to Cultural and Environmental Interpretation in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Instruction Report R-84-1
- Perspectives from the Field: An Evaluation of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Interpretive Services and Outreach Program. Mesenbrink, A. (2013)
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