If you have a Good Enough to Share submission, please email it to CorpsLakes@usace.army.mil
Accessible Asphalt Paved Trail - Chief Joseph Dam, Bridgeport, WA
Accessible Downstream Fishing Ramp & Platform - Old Hickory Lake, TN
On Old Hickory Lake in the Left Bank Tailrace Area, an accessible ramp and fishing platform were designed and constructed to allow persons with disabilities access to the good fishing below the dam. The work was done by contract and took 325 days (contract awarded May 2000) at a cost of $317,946 including all material and labor. The facilities were open for full use in April 2001. Feedback from Easter Seals suggests that users are delighted with the ramp.
Accessible Fishing Pier and Canoe/Kayak Dock B.A. Steinhagen Lake
Accessible Loading Platform for Boaters
With permission of the USDA Forest Service, Technology & Development Center (Missoula, Montana), we have posted their July 2000 publication 9E92A43 which includes plans for accessible boat ramp designs for dry land loading and unloading.
Disability Etiquette Handbook, Huntington District Special Emphasis Committee, September 2005
This handbook addresses the need for increased awareness when interacting with individuals with disabilities.
Making the Grade
Making the Grade is a new feature of the National Center on Accessibility Web site. The forum showcases best practices and accessibility projects that exceed the minimum standards and facilitate optimum access for visitors with disabilities.
NCA Monographs
Slope blocks
The above graphic and photo show how the crew at Cave Run Lake, KY used slope blocks to determine the proper slope when constructing accessible routes. The photo shows an assortment of slope blocks (cut from scrap 2x4 lumber) for the common slopes required by accessible design standards.
U.S. Federal Highway Administration
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access, Part I of II: Review of Existing Guidelines and Practices
Universally Accessible Canoe and Kayak Launch - John H. Kerr Reservoir
What to Know Before You Go: The Big Questions to Ask Before Arriving at Your
For people with disabilities, participating in recreation can have lasting impact that significantly improves their quality of life. However, the accessibility of a recreation program or facility can affect the individual's experience and overall satisfaction with the experience. One of the most frequently asked questions to NCA is, "where can I find accessible recreation opportunities?" This article will guide visitors in their search for accessible recreation facilities and programs. We explore some areas where you can conduct initial searches for programs, who to contact and what questions to ask before arriving at your recreation destination.
You're Here....Now What? Making Self-Advocacy Work For You in Recreation Settings
While finding out that a recreational hotspot is not accessible and doing nothing about it is a daily event for some people - others are taking the matter into their own hands to become their own advocate. This monograph highlights the steps to becoming a successful self advocate in recreation settings.