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22 April 2021

Articles for this issue

  1. SmartBook Upgrade – April 2021
  2. Gateway 101

SmartBook Upgrade – April 2021

The SmartBook, available from the NRM Gateway homepage, has been upgraded to incorporate many improvements suggested by the Park Ranger CoP and OPM Advisory Boards. This update consolidates the previously separate SmartBooks into one.

The SmartBook's electronic directory helps you easily connect with others in the NRM, Park Ranger, and OPM CoPs. The SmartBook offers connections and workforce context information far beyond what a DLL mailing list or an Outlook search can produce. SmartBook filters enhance communication with program points of contacts, subject matter experts, as well as individuals based on location.

The SmartBook works best when each member of the NRM, Park Ranger, and OPM CoPs periodically reviews and updates their personal (and their team’s) information. Each individual profile should be reviewed regarding areas of expertise, PDT membership, location, and other organizational information.

If you are already in the SmartBook, you will receive an email requesting that you review your information now. We need your help to verify the accuracy of your record after the migration of SmartBook data into the updated platform.

The SmartBook is only accessible from the network and requires CAC card for access.

Gateway 101

Gateway 101 offers an introduction to the NRM Gateway website and how every individual can plug into the various communication features it offers. We suggest you include Gateway 101 in the orientation for summer hires or any new employee. Simply pass the link along to new hires or use the print version for those who do not yet have a CAC and government computer access.

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