Policy & Procedures
Army Regulations
- AR 405-80, dated 10 October 1997
Management of Title and Granting Use of Real PropertyPrescribes policies for managing titles, granting use of Army-controlled real property to non-
Army users, and overseeing unauthorized uses of real propert
Engineer Manuals
Engineer Pamphlets
- EP 1130-2-540, dated 15 November 1996 revised 11 August 2008
Project Operations - Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance PoliciesThis pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental stewardship related
operations and maintenance activities at USACE civil works water resource projects and
supplements ER 1130-2-540, "Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance
- EP 1130-2-550, dated 15 November 1996 revised 15 August 2002
Projection Operations - Recreation Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures
- Chapter 3, Project Master Plans and Operational Management Plans
Engineer Regulations
- ER 1130-2-540, dated 15 November 1996 revised 11 August 2008
Project Operations - Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance PoliciesThis regulation establishes land management policy for Corps-administered project lands and
water, based on various authorizing legislation and the principles of good environmental
- ER 1130-2-550, dated 15 November 1996 revised 15 August 2002
Project Operations - Recreation Operations and Maintenance PoliciesThis regulation establishes the policy for the management of recreation programs and
activities, and for the operation and maintenance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
recreation facilities and related structures, at civil works water resource projects.
- Chapter 3, Project Master Plans and Operational Management Plans
- ER 405-1-12, dated 20 November 1985 revised 15 May 2000
Real Estate Handbook"Real Estate Handbook," this regulation establishes policy for the management and operation of
real estate responsibilities on Military and Civil Works Projects, to include encroachments; and
issuing, managing, and administering outgrants authorizing the use of this real property.
Policy Memos
Policy & Procedures
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