OMBIL - Environmental Stewardship
The Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL) is a web-based business information gateway that allows Corps employees easy access to information about the Operations and Maintenance program. The OMBIL system concept originated from the Operations and Maintenance Plan of Improvement. One of the key system objectives is to maintain one-time data entry. The purpose of OMBIL is to provide the data and information requirements for program and project management at all organizational levels. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) corporate management information can be accessed through the OMBIL Web page. The OMBIL system can be used to maintain and track O&M business information. The OMBIL system can also be used to view summaries related to O&M activities, output, resources, and performance. OMBIL contains modules for each business function, which currently includes Navigation (including Locks & Dredging), Hydropower, Recreation, Environmental Stewardship (including Natural Resources & Environmental Compliance), Flood Damage Reduction, and Regulatory.
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This program area is being reviewed for inclusion in the NRM Gateway. All available information to date has been posted. Additional information will be provided as Subject Matter Experts (SME) are identified and available to attend a workshop.