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Corps Lakes Gateway Welcome to your data Banner

Welcome to Your Data

    This site has been developed and based on your input to the Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL) Website and data that we have collected. The Natural Resources Management Gateway (NRMG) staff has been working diligently to match up the 1999 Natural Resources Management System (NRMS) with information from OMBIL and has posted it on this site.

    Open to the Public
    The public accesses the site through the URL: www.CorpsLakes.US. This URL will send them to the "Visitor" Tab of the Gateway. The site is marketed under the name "Corps Lakes Gateway." This name and URL appear on the banner of the site. These pages are live on the Gateway and can be viewed by the public using:

    Here are the shortcut URLs to the project pages within CorpsLakes. Short URLs that are easy to remember and great for marketing material!

    Don't forget all the state pages are available using the two character abbreviation

    OMBIL Data
    This site has information from OMBIL at the recreation area level that requires additional scrutiny.

    Data that are incorrect will have to be corrected in OMBIL. A process will be established for submitting changes to other data links and resources that are not part of OMBIL and are maintained by the NRMG staff. Your Division representative will determine how to implement data submissions to the Gateway. Our recommendation is that the person responsible for OMBIL input will be the person at the project responsible for the review and updating of these pages. Reviews by other project staff and managers should be coordinated through this person.

    View Your Data
    To view your OMBIL data, go to your Lake page. Select and print the "Print Friendly" version. Proceed to the "For Employees ONLY" link on the top right of the page and view the actual OMBIL value for each element. The top of the page will show the date that the OMBIL data were delivered to us. The facilities matrix must be corrected inside OMBIL. Changes made to OMBIL after this date will not appear in the matrix until the next OMBIL download. Division RLAT representatives will determine who will be assigned to provide corrections to the Gateway staff. A procedure will be in place to determine which recreation areas are to be displayed on the Visitor Matrix and who the point of contact will be at the lake level.

    OMBIL, NRMS, and Gateway Differences
    This site is designed to serve the visiting public. Some OMBIL "project sites" are entered based on CWIS numbers, not geographically distinct water resource projects. The Corps Lakes Gateway will identify separate geographic locations. The 1999 NRMS was used as the base for the lakes that appear on the Gateway. Subsequent matching of old NRMS names and CWIS numbers to recreation areas are not correct as we were unable to determine which recreation areas were tied to separate geographic locations. We will need to work with lakes to develop signage and matrix information.

    Separate Initiatives
    There will be a separate initiative this winter to contact Concessions and Lease holders to obtain their Website addresses for posting on the Corps Lakes Gateway. National MOU/MOA partners will also be contacted to refine those pages.

    Please send your comments concerning this site to M. Kathleen Perales, the Gateway project leader. Corrections should be submitted based on the instructions provided by your Division RLAT representative.

  • Home
  • Lake Web Addresses - URLs To Cite
  • Welcome to Your Data
  • Use of Lake URL
  • Reviewing your Data
  • NRM Gateway Initiative
  • Corps Lakes Gateway Public Release
  • Manage Non-OMBIL Data
  • Graphics
  • Tourism Card
  • Utilization