This is a "Toolbox" for the NRM audience. Information is provided to assist all NRM employees at all levels of the organization in all job categories with their daily operations and maintenance functions.
From the perspective of the in-house NRM audience, an overview of our public outreach items for Corps visitors is provided. This includes links to all available project recreational Websites, organized by CPOC regions.
The Recreation page serves as an organizing framework for the Recreation Business Area. From this point, a quick view into the business area strategies, communications and program areas will be linked.
The Environmental Compliance page serves as an organizing framework for the Environmental Compliance Program. From this point, a quick view into the business area strategies, communications and program areas are linked.
The Environmental Stewardship page serves as an organizing framework for the Environmental Stewardship Business Area. From this point, a quick view into the business area strategies, communications and program areas will be linked.
The Partners page will access Partnership initiatives, Memorandums of Understanding, Cooperating Associations, Volunteers and other aspects of Partnerships for the Natural Resources Management program.
Events of regional or national significance to the NRM community. Includes a form to submit calendar events.
Access to expertise and discussion forums.
Forum tab provides access to discussion forums - both public and restricted.
More than just training, the learning tab provides access to opportunities to learn and various sources for personal improvement.
From across the NRM Gateway a link to the Good Enough to Share (GETS), Lessons Learned, and Frequently Asked Questions pages. This simplifies access to best management practices that are currently posted on the site.
This is a quick link to a number of Automated Information Systems (AIN) that are used by NRM managers.
Recent Gateway additions and archive of past postings. Includes Headquarters correspondence, significant e-mail guidance as well as new and/or updated NRM program content.
Alphabetical and subject based index of the Gateway content. Access to the search engine is also provided.