Water Safety Program
Headquarters POC
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the leading provider of water-based recreation nationwide on all federally managed public lands. There is no doubt that the popularity of our waterways, which attract nearly 250 million visitors every year, requires us to conduct effective educational programs and campaigns to teach the public safe and responsible ways to enjoy the waters. The pages of this website will provide you with opportunity to access information and materials that can enhance your water safety program: learn more about the USACE National Water Safety Program, read about successful efforts at USACE waterways nationwide, meet and/or contact the National Water Safety Committee representatives who give the program life, pick up key safety information, download some useful information, and more. More water safety information, products, and initiatives can be found at www.PleaseWearIt.com, www.Bobber.info, https://www.youtube.com/user/USACEwatersafety, and https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/USACE-WS.
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