Environment Stewardship Civil Works Integrated Funding Database (ES CWIFD)
Headquarters Program: Stewardship Advisory Team
FY 2023 Environment Stewardship budget process will continue to follow the O&M 20/20 Budget Framework and budget packages will be developed, evaluated, prioritized, and ranked using the Environment Stewardship Civil Works Integrated Funding Database (ES-CWIFD), which is a sub module of the Main-CWIFD. All data supporting budget packages such as capability, description, and justifications will be entered directly into ES-CWIFD.
ES-CWIFD is intended to provide a means for quantifying performance outputs toward the performance measures used for development of the Environment Stewardship O&M budget, as well as ranking incremental Environment Stewardship budget packages in a consistent manner throughout the Corps.
No changes on ES-CWIFD this year. However, please note the following changes on the guidance and make sure your input in ES-CWIFD correspond to the new guidance:
USACE Boundary and Encroachment
Changes on Definitions of WCCs 61452, 61453, and 61454 - USACE Boundary and Encroachment in regard to Operational Condition Assessment (OCA), ranging from Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Failing, Completely Failed, Unrated. Please see Table D-5-2, Appendix D of the Budget EC page 37.
Changes on ENS Consequence Rating Criteria - Now very specific to ENS. Consequence Category ranging from High or I to Minimum or V. Please see Table D-5-3, Appendix D of the Budget EC page 39.
Minimum of work packages:
Limit of funding level for Common O&M – now no less than $2,000 (previously $5,000 minimum) except for the Power Marketing Administration (PMA) which is $1,000.
Specific Work Not Commonly Performed (SWNCP) – now $5,000 minimum (previously $10,000)
All links below except for “PART” are restricted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers users.
- ES CWIFD Sub Module
ES CWIFD Coach, Assist, & Train Team (ES CWIFD CATT)
Helpful Tools
Example Descriptions, Justifications, and Consequences