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E-mails and Memos

    September 5, 2024
    FY24 Annual NRM Update including important dates
    I am asking for your full support in our annual NRM update that provides leadership and reviewing agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with data for performance and strategic metrics. Portions of this data are presented at annual budget time to the Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASACW) and to OMB. Other data is directly used to help rank budget work packages or provide input to the Civil Works Strategic Plan. I cannot understate the importance of having quality data and encourage extra focus on data quality for this entry period. The field POCs have been notified earlier of this entry period, but I wanted to bring the effort to your attention. I can assure you this data is used to direct funds, prioritize work, and most importantly tell the NRM program story to those outside the NRM and Operations community. Please review the following bullets which outline the highlights for this year.

    1. For FY24 NRM annual update, the NRM community (Recreation and Environmental Stewardship Business Lines) will utilize the CWBI-OPS Natural Resources Management Modules,

    2. CWBI-OPS is the primary database of record for all O&M business line data. CWBI-OPS data is used for many different purposes, including decisions concerning facility development, budget development and defense, tracking performance measures, preparation of briefings and fact sheets, asset management, etc. It is used to populate information on the Gateway and numerous other internal and external web sites. CWBI-OPS will continue to serve as source for many other systems including CWIFD and EDW. Inaccurate and/or incomplete data not only reflects poorly on the Corps and renders a disservice to the public but could also jeopardize the viability of our O&M missions and budget defense.

    3. Training through web meetings will be provided to the field on the system and data entry process as needed and will be announced through the CWBI-OPS District POCs. The schedule for entering data by modules is as follows.

    Recreation PSA Module

  • PSA Detail Information ONLY
  • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
  • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
  • Includes Corps Managed PSA fee information, collection method, and RUDA.
  • NRM Module

  • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
  • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
  • Includes Passes, Project Public & Service Roads, Project Trails, Title 18 Offences, Interpretive Contacts, Special Events, Law Enforcement Contracts, and Project Details
  • Environmental Stewardship Module

  • Opens September 16 and Closes October 18 to field entry.
  • District Review is concurrent through November 1.
  • Includes Shoreline Management, Boundaries, Encroachments & Trespasses, Master Plans, Fire Management, Cultural Resources, Pollinators, Vegetation Classification, Land Classification, Invasive Species, and the Federal Special Status Species
  • Partnerships and Volunteers Module

  • Opens October 1 and Closes November 15 to field entry.
  • District Review is concurrent through December 13.
  • Includes Partnership and Volunteer information.
  • Contact the Partnership Advisory Committee for assistance.
  • 4. I'm requesting your continued leadership support to reinforce the importance of data and to provide "quality assurance" on accurateness and completeness of the data.

    Thank you for all your efforts and if you have any questions, please contact me. My POC on this effort is Dena Williams who can be reach at

    Jeffrey F. Krause
    Chief, Natural Resources Management

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