Benefits & Tips
- Easy and efficient!
- Cost effective
- Reach millions of people - customers and partners
- Mainstream communication tool
- Reaches all generations
- Improve public awareness
- Promote local events
- Use Facebook's secure site - https://www.FaceBook.com
- Find someone interested & willing
- Update often!
- Link sites to maximize exposure - from CorpsLakes to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr
- Select a name that makes sense to user - especially for searching
- Organize photos in categories
- Post short videos
- Remember your computer security training - it applies here!
- Ensure the individuals posting have had proper training Contact your PAO office for details.
- Be sure content is appropriate
- Don't post negative comments or inappropriate photos or video
- Don't post sensitive or classified information
- Be sure have secure password for administrator account
How To
District Sites
Corps Policy
Project Sites
Benefits and Tips
Partner Sites
Interesting Facts
National Public Lands Day Social Media Webinar
Corps Lakes YouTube Channel
Corps Lakes Pinterest
Corps Lakes Instagram