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Social Media

What is Social Media?
Social Media promotes communication through various Internet applications. Typical forms of social media include forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, photos, videos, posts, or comments. Social media blends technology with social interaction to create added value for business, industries, and government agencies.

In 2021, the nonpartisan Pew Research Center reports that 72% of Americans use social media, and that 70% of Facebook users visit their page daily. YouTube and Facebook are the most-widely used online platforms, and its user base is most broadly representative of the population as a whole. Smaller shares of Americans use sites such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn. (See their most recent Social Media Fact Sheet for details).

The Corps embraces social media to communicate with this vast audience. This page contains information to help guide your Corps social media activities, as well as links to current sites at the District and Project levels. To see what Corps Lakes is doing visit our Facebook Facebook, Instagram Instagram, Pinterest Pinterest, and YouTube Yout Tube sites!

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Established: July 2011