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- Partnership Newsletter (28 August 2024)
In this edition we are showcasing:
- National MOU with Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Kids in Parks program
- SWD: Leave No Trace Spotlight event at Beaver Lake
- NWD: Union Sportsmen’s Alliance partnership with Hood Park for ADA fishing
- MVD: St. Paul District Earth Day partnerships
- SAD: Lake Lanier develops first challenge cost sharing cooperative
management agreements for USACE
- LRD: Patoka Lake handshake partnership with American Chestnut Foundation
- NAD: Ball Mountain Lake partnership with JAMBA for mountain bike trail
- Nominate your volunteers for a Volunteer Excellence Coin
- New Corps Lakes Gateway partnerships webpage and Partnering with the
Corps handout
- NRM Gateway spotlight: CWBI-OPS Partnerships and Volunteers page
- Important dates to remember
- Meet your PAC team
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