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Staffing Study Results

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    This site contains the report “An Analysis of Recreation Staffing and Labor Costs at Corps Projects -- A White Paper Prepared in Support of the National Recreation Road Map.” Informally this report is known as “The Staffing Study.” Michael G. Ensch, Chief, Operations & Regulatory CoP directed this study be undertaken.

    How did this come about? The Chief of Operations approved a Recreation Strategy Implementation Plan in May 2008 based on the results of a strategy meeting held in Saint Louis in April 2008. Senior Leaders of the Corps Natural Resource Management Program met to discuss the future of the program, and a strategy for meeting the challenges associated with reduced resources in future years. In 2009, revisions were made to this initial plan resulting in the Recreation Road Map of October 2009. Staffing levels was one of the primary issues identified by the Senior Leaders.

    One of the important items to understand when reviewing this report is who was included in benchmark FTEs resulting from the study’s analysis. For the purposes of this report, “FTE” refers to RecSTATUS FTE, which was the staffing data ultimately used in the analysis. Operationally, RecSTATUS FTE is defined as a count of the total FTE based on hours actually charged to recreation. The RecSTATUS FTE is readily available and is updated during the annual self assessment process by project staff. Essentially, this data is scrubbed by the field which allows them to adjust the figure to include the portion of time billed to recreation by a typical staff, including the categories of Project Site Managers, Natural Resources Specialists and Park Rangers, Environmental Specialists, Administrative Staff, Maintenance Staff, Civil Engineering Technicians, Contract Specialists, Real Estate Specialists, and other positions which they specify. After fully explaining the reasons for using this data in the report introduction, RecSTATUS FTE is simply called “FTE” in the remainder of the report.

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  • Ensch's Memo October 2011

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