Policy & Procedures
Army Pamphlets
- AP 200-1, dated 17 January 2002
Environmental Protection & Enhancement
Army Regulations
- AR 200-1, dated 21 February 1997
Environmental Protection & EnhancementThis regulation provides a brief overview of environmental programs and requirements. It does not provide a complete listing of requirements or detailed guidance on complying with environmental laws and regulations. In addressing environmental issues, readers must consult the applicable laws, regulations, and guidance documents referenced in this regulation. This regulation supplements Federal, state, and local environmental laws for preserving, protecting, and restoring the quality of the environment. It also integrates pollution prevention, natural and cultural resources, and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) into the Army Environmental Program.
Engineer Circulars
- EC 1165-2-220, dated 9/10/18
Water Resource Policies and Authorities Policy and Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408
Engineer Manuals
- EM 385-1-1, dated 30 November 2014
Safety and Health RequirementsAlthough this is a manual and not an ER, the contents are applicable to all missions under
the command of the Chief of Engineers, whether accomplished by military, civilian, or
contractor forces. In relation to hazardous materials, it regulates storage and handling
The provisions of this manual implement safety and health standards and
requirements contained in 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1926, 29 CFR 1960, 30 CFR 56, Executive
Order 12196, DODI 6055.1, AR 40-5, AR 385-10, AR 385-11, and AR 385-40. Where
more stringent safety and occupational health standards are set forth in these
requirements and regulations, the more stringent standards shall apply.
Engineer Pamphlets
- EP 200-2-3, dated 30 October 1996
Environmental Compliance Guidance and ProceduresThis pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works and military projects and facilities and supplements Engineer Regulation (ER) 200-2-3.
Engineer Regulations
- ER 200-2-3, dated 29 October 2010
Environmental Quality - Environmental Compliance PoliciesThis regulation establishes the policy for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works and military projects and facilities.
Policy Memos
Other Policy
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Environmental Compliance Assessments (ERGO)
Environmental Compliance Topics
Policy & Procedures
Environmental Management System (EMS)
News / Current Issues
Performance Measures
Sustainability Plan