September 28, 2023
Webinar - Qlik Partnerships and Volunteer Data Visualization App Start: 11:300 EDT
See Teams or WebEx Information
Other Information: The Partnership Advisory Committee and the Institute for Water Resources will be
hosting a webinar on Thursday September 28 from 11:30-12:30 Eastern to
demonstrate new interactive web-based tools that visualize NRM partnership and
volunteer data. The new pages are housed in the National Initiatives Viewer Tool
(Qlik app) and allow users a flexible way to explore volunteer and partnership data
that can be manipulated to show information from the national level to the project
level and across fiscal years.
Visit: https://qlik-
0b8009585646/overview?qlikTicket=WeB3WOGAUpiu6jgF and click on the
USACE Partnerships and USACE Volunteers tiles.
The tools provide a variety of features that make it easy to visualize and
understand partnership and volunteer data. Users can filter data by location, year,
type of partnership, volunteer hours and value, and other criteria. As you filter data
to your needs, the map viewer, charts, and detail spreadsheet update on the fly.
Then you can export a chart for use in a fact sheet, or download the spreadsheet
and open in Excel for additional manipulation and analysis.