September 26, 2023
Webinar - Corps Foundation Start: 1:00 EDT
See Teams or WebEx Information
Other Information: The Corps Foundation operates in a cooperative relationship with USACE to foster
contributions and partnerships that support environmental and recreation projects
at USACE operated lakes and waterways. They engage the support of members,
contributors, businesses, community and "Friends" organizations to collaborate
with USACE in providing vital services to the public.
USACE and the Corps Foundation have worked together for more than a
decade to nurture partnerships and contributions for the USACE NRM program and
wish to maintain and expand these efforts. This MOU provides a framework for
continued collaboration related to outreach and education, technical and financial
assistance, support of cooperating associations and volunteers, and advocacy for
the enhancement of the recreation and environmental stewardship programs at
USACE Civil Works projects.
A few examples of past partnering efforts between the Corps Foundation and
USACE include support of the water safety program through the Life Jackets
Worn.. Nobody Mourns campaign, support of the Innovations team, donation of
volunteer and partnership awards and coins, the Toolkit for Developing a
Cooperating Association, advocacy for new legislative authorities, fundraising and
grant assistance. For more information visit: